Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Teacher and Confucius

Confucius What kind of person was Confucius in everyday life? Focus on the following: his clothing and diet, his possessions, his pastimes, the company he kept, and anything else that is relevant. In everyday life Confucius was a relaxed and cheerful man who was constantly in search of new knowledge. He studied the Chinese Classics mainly focusing on the Books of Odes, History and Rites. In his spare time, however, he liked to relax in his manor. He was very picky with the people he chose to keep around. They had to love strategy and the possible success you could get from it.He taught culture, conduct, conscientiousness and good faith and was also picky about who he let in to his school. They had to be modest and willing to listen because he didn’t repeat lessons. He loved music. He would sing in the company of those who were singing. When passing through Ch’I he heard their music and said, â€Å"I did not imagine that music had reached such perfection. † (Confu cius 35). This having been said he also traveled with his students and neglected his family duty. Once when his son saw him in passing and Confucius asked him if he had â€Å"Studied the Odes? (Confucius 102) His son said no so Confucius told him that he would have nothing to use in conversation. So his son left determined to study the book of Odes. On a different day his son saw him again and a similar thing happened only this time Confucius asked about the Rules of Ceremony. The result was exactly the same as the first time. This goes to prove that those who can teach don’t always put their own teachings in to practice. Why is Volume One, Book Two entitled â€Å"Concerning Government† but barely mentions government?Hint: the contents of Book Seven may assist you in answering this question. You can’t teach someone how to run a government but you can teach them how to be a better person in hope that they will be able to better govern the country. One must corre ct themselves before they try to correct others. This is exactly why Volume One, Book Two says little about government and a lot on how to be a better person. Confucius said â€Å"If a man put himself aright, what difficulty will he have in the public service; but if he cannot put himself aright, how is he going to put others right? (Confucius 75) This saying is basically saying one must correct themself first and others later, but if one can’t correct themself then they have no right to attempt at correcting others. In some senses Confucius was a very straight forward man and in others he was just plain confusing. This was one of the areas that he was straight forward with his teaching. It was very important to him that one knew how to act. Despite his reputation as a charismatic teacher, Confucius makes no claim to originality—in fact, it is hard to discern exactly what his teachings are.Why is this the case? He himself did not claim to be a teacher at all. It was h is disciples who made him so. He had people who followed him and listened to what he said and this was enough to make him a teacher, whether what he was saying was original or not made no difference. What mattered was that he had a group of students who were willing to listen to what he said and put it into practice. His teachings, however, were hard to understand. This was because he didn’t want just anyone to be able to follow and understand what he was saying.They had to be smart and make an effort to understand. This was also because sometimes he just spoke in riddles and didn’t give a simple answer. When he did this it would seem that what he was saying was completely unrelated to the question asked, but in some roundabout way it was actually the answer to the question all along. His students just had to think it over a lot before they understood. Confucius himself had no desire to be a teacher but because so many people liked his teachings, it just sort of happen ed that way.What contrasts does Confucius present with the religious figures of ancient Egypt, India, Mesopotamia, China, etc.? Does he strike you as a particularly â€Å"religious† figure? Why or why not? In contrast to the religions of the ancient world Confucianism is more about teaching someone how to live justly. Confucius teaches his students to respect their family and honor their ancestors not about the gods and the afterlife; this is probably the biggest difference. He teaches about what it means to live in this life and how one should go about doing so.In the religions of ancient Egypt, India and Mesopotamia there has always been a priest like figure who would perform religious and sacrificial ceremonies. This figure also had the task of letting everyone know about their religion and how to follow it properly. Sometimes these religious leaders were the head of their country/city/empire and if they weren’t, the leaders had almost always practiced the same or a very similar religion. Confucius was neither the king nor a particularly important person in society (or at least that’s what I gathered from the Confucius Analects).He was just an ordinary man who just so happened to know what he was talking about and how to teach others how to properly live their lives. One could do this by honoring their ancestors and by living a virtuous life. In these other religions, however, there has always been some form of afterlife, be it cheerful or gloomy, and most of these ancient civilizations buried their dead (especially those who were important) with luxury items for them to take to the afterlife. Confucius never taught about the afterlife though.Once a student of his asked about death and Confucius replied, â€Å"Not yet understanding life, how can you understand death? ’ (Confucius 61). Confucius does not seem like a religious figure at all. In fact, there is some debate about whether or not Confucianism can actually be considered a religion. What Confucius taught was how to live a moral life as a human being. He taught that one should study the Chinese Classics and follow a few basic rules of life. This is why he does not seem like a religious figure or to have been a religious man.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Adolescent Alcohol Abuse Essay

Over the years, many researchers have dedicated their time and energy to study adolescent alcohol abuse. They have found that there are many factors that contribute to adolescent alcohol abuse. These factors are psychological, environmental, social, and cultural. Not all of these factors play a part in every adolescent who abuses alcohol, but one of these factors is usually present. Psychological disorders have been found in both American, and Taiwan adolescents who abuse alcohol. The health risks of adolescent alcohol abuse are great. Alcohol affects the physiology of a young person. It disrupts the genetics and hormonal balances that are critical in the early development of youngsters. Treatment of alcohol abuse is a great state of change and development. Many therapists, doctors and counselors are trying to incorporate new treatment ideas and methods into the traditional techniques that have been used for years now. It is important to research the factors that contribute to adolescent alcohol abuse because if these factors are detected early, and an adolescent is put into a prevention program the likelihood that they will abuse alcohol will greatly decrease. Psychological Factors. See more:  Manifest Destiny essay According to the research, there have been many psychological problems found in adolescents who abuse alcohol. The majority of the research has been done in order to solve the question of whether or not these psychological factors are present before an adolescent abuses alcohol, or after the alcohol abuse has occurred. In the research done by Rhode, Lewinsohn, and Seeley (1996), they used a community sample of 1,507 adolescents between the ages of fourteen and eighteen. The adolescents were classified into the categories of abstainers, experimenters, social drinkers, problem drinkers, and abuse and/or dependent groups. In this study, 373 subjects met the criteria for depression, 15 were bipolar, 93 suffered from manic core symptoms, and 124 had an anxiety disorder (Rhode et al. , 1996). Furthermore, anxiety disorder and depression were psychological disorders that were more prevalent in female adolescents with alcohol abuse than their male counterparts. Males who abused alcohol tended to suffer from antisocial personality disorder. It is believed that females who suffer from anxiety disorder or depression use alcohol as a self-medication to make them feel better. According to Clark, and Bukstein (1998), one form of antisocial disorder known as conduct disorder lead adolescents to act out and seek out new experiences. This is probably the reason why adolescent males with an antisocial disorder turn to alcohol abuse. According to Rhode (et al. , 1996), â€Å"More than 80% of adolescents with an alcohol use disorder had another psychiatric disorder†¦. † (p. 106). In his study, the alcohol abuse tended to follow rather than proceed the psychiatric disorder. From this, it can be concluded that certain psychological disorders such as antisocial disorder, and depression are a factor in adolescent alcohol abuse. Environmental Factors Many studies have focused on the environmental factors that adolescents are exposed to, and how these factors lead to alcohol abuse. The aim of a study performed by Clark, Lesnick, and Hegedus (1997), â€Å"Was to examine trauma history and other adverse life events in adolescents with alcohol dependence or abuse and to compare them with a sample of community-dwelling adolescents without alcohol use disorder† (p. 1746). This study included 256 adolescents between the ages of fourteen and eighteen (Clark et al. , 1997). Adolescents who abused, or were dependent on alcohol reported more traumas then those in the control group. The types of abuse experienced by males and females tended to differ. Females experienced more sexual abuse, and males tended to be victims of violent acts. Both sexual abuse victims, and victims of violent acts showed increased amounts of alcohol use than those adolescents who were not abused in any way. If subjects experienced a number of traumas, they tended to abuse alcohol more than those that experienced only one trauma or no trauma at all. From this study, it can be concluded that trauma and abuse leads to adolescent alcohol abuse. Social Factors A study done on Hispanic and Black adolescents in the New York inner cities concluded that there were indeed social factors that contributed to adolescent alcohol abuse. The study used a sample of 4,874 Hispanic and African American seventh graders. The purpose of the study was to identify the social risk factors that promote adolescent alcohol abuse in Hispanic and African American (Epstein, Botvin, Baker, & Diaz, 1999). If an adolescent’s friends tended to drink on a consistent basis, he/she showed a greater amount of alcohol abuse than those who did not associate with friends who did drink alcohol. Also, family members play a major part in adolescent alcohol abuse. The family is another social factor that contributes to adolescent alcohol abuse. If an adolescent saw their parent consume alcohol, they also tended to abuse alcohol. Parents were not the only family members that influenced adolescent alcohol abuse; siblings also had an influence. If a sibling abused alcohol, the adolescent models this abuse. Their findings were present in both Hispanic and African American adolescents. Cultural factors. In the study done by Epstein and her collogues, cultural differences were also a factor in adolescent with alcohol abuse. According to Epstein (et al. , 1999), â€Å"Hispanic adolescents consumed more alcohol per drinking occasion and had greater intention to drink in the future than black adolescents. This was true when the models were tested separately for girls and boys† (p. 16). The use of alcohol among Hispanics could be due to the fact that it may be a cultural practice that allows an adolescent to identify with their culture. Religion is another cultural factor that plays a role in adolescent alcohol abuse. African American religions consider the consumption of alcohol a sin, so if an African American practices in their religion they are less likely to abuse alcohol than someone who does not practice their religion. However, this was not a factor for Hispanic adolescent alcohol abuse. A final cultural difference may be that more Hispanic adolescents have immigrated to this country in past years than black adolescents have. Therefore Hispanic adolescents have had the added stress of adapting to a new society. In turn Hispanic adolescents turn to alcohol abuse as a way of coping with their increased stress. Taiwan All of the studies mentioned above were performed in the United States. However, there have been studies done in other countries on adolescent alcohol abuse. One study was done on adolescents living in Taiwan. The results were very interesting. Many of the factors that are presents in American adolescents were also found in adolescents living in Taiwan. According to Chong, Chan, and Cheng (1999), â€Å"Among those successfully interviewed, 411 were males and 363 were females. Their mean age was 15. 23 years† (p. 1389). Like American adolescents who abused alcohol, Taiwan adolescents also had psychological factors presents. The most common psychological disorders found in Taiwan adolescents were disruptive behavior disorder, depression, and antisocial disorder. These disorders were also present in American adolescents. Alcoholism and Health Adolescent alcohol abuse is recognized as a major health concern in the United States. According to Arria and Tarter (1991), â€Å"It is likely that an older adolescents who first consumed alcohol in the preteen years will experience greater alcohol-related medical complications than will an adolescent who has been drinking for a shorter period of time† (p. 52). Although the length of time that an adolescent has been drinking is a major factor related to health, it is not the only one. Other factors may include how much alcohol is consumed at one sitting, and just what age the adolescent began to drink. Very heavy drinking may cause accidental injury. And, drinking at an early age may cause gross developmental complications. Arriea and Tarter (1991) noted that many adolescents also experiment with other drugs, while they are under the influence of alcohol. Other drugs may range from marijuana to crack cocaine and LSD. Using alcohol and other drugs combined can cause serious health risks and concerns. One major concern of adolescent alcohol abuse is the effects that abuse has on puberty. The results of the abuse may be most prevalent in the growth of the adolescent. It has been shown in both human and animal studies that alcohol consumption can stunt the physical growth of an adolescent approaching and during puberty. Arriea and Tarter (1991), stated that, â€Å"normal physical growth is dependent on a complex interaction between genetic, hormonal, and environmental influences† (P. 53). Alcohol severely effects this interaction. Treatment Whenever we talk about alcohol abuse with adolescents, we must talk about the treatment. Without proper treatment, the adolescent will end up in the same place over and over again. In the study done by Bukstein (1994), he stated that, â€Å"treatment for adolescents currently are undergoing rapid changes,? , by reducing their costs and emphasizing less restrictive treatment modalities† (p. 298). Many of the longer 28 or 38 day inpatient programs are being transformed into outpatient or partial hospitalization plans. Because these shorter programs have not been around long enough to gather information for testing, it is unable to tell if they are going to have any kind of affect on the adolescent’s rehabilitation. I feel that these cuts will have a negative effect on the treatment of youngsters. I think that these shorter programs may work for adults, but they will not work well with the adolescents because of the emotional immaturity present in young people. While many researchers believe that traditional treatment programs are the key, there has been some interest in alternative programs. According to Bukstein (1994), many programs are beginning to integrate an array of, â€Å"family or behavioral treatments, health services, vocational and educational services, and recreational activities in addition to 12-step principles† (p.299). This kind of treatment combines traditional 12-step programs with new innovative ideas of reaching the child through various activities. Once again, this kind of treatment is not yet able to be tested because of its immaturity. It will be very interesting to see what kind of affect this treatment will have. Conclusion There are many factors that contribute to adolescent alcohol abuse. These factors may be psychological, environmental, social, or cultural. If these factors were detected in an adolescent at an early age, it could prevent the adolescent form abusing alcohol. Health problems due to heavy alcohol abuse could also be prevented if these factors are detected early enough. Treatment is a crucial part of dealing with an adolescent that is suffering from alcohol abuse. I believe that much research must be done to ensure that methods are being executed properly. There has been some effort to combine new treatment with traditional ones. I believe that this is a good thing. It will be interesting to see if this new treatment will help. References Arria, Amelia M. , Tarter, Ralph E. (1991). The effects of alcohol abuse on the health of adolescents. Alcohol Health and Research World, 15 (1), 52-57. Bukstein, Oscar G. (1994). Treatment of adolescent alcohol abuse and dependence. Alcohol Health and Research World, 18 (4), 296-301. Chong, M. Y. , Chan, K. W. , & Cheng, A. T. A. (1999). Substance use disorders among adolescents in Taiwan: Prevalence, sociodemeographic correlates and psychiatric co-morbidity. Psychological Medicine, 26 (6), 1387-1396. Clark, D. , Lesnick, L. , & Hegedus, A. (1997). Traumas and Other adverse life events in adolescents with alcohol abuse and dependence. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 36 (12), 1744-1751. Clark, D. , & Bukstein, O. (1998). Psychopathology in adolescent alcohol abuse and dependence. Alcohol Health & Research World 22 (2), 117-121. Epstein, J. , Botvin, G. , & Diaz, T. (1999). Impact of social influences and problem behavior on alcohol use among inner-city hispanic and black adolescents. Journal of Studies on Alcohol 60 (5), 595-604. Rhode, P. , Lewinsohn, P. , & Seeley, J. R. (1996). Psychiatric comoribidity with problematic alcohol use in high school students. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 35 (1), 101-109. Adolescent Alcohol Abuse Juvenile Delinquency.

Monday, July 29, 2019

A Review Of Woolworths Limited Commerce Essay

A Review Of Woolworths Limited Commerce Essay Woolworths Limited is one of the major Australian companies with extensive retail interest around Asia-pacific region. Largest food retailer in Australia, Largest retail firm in Australia and New Zealand and largest takeaway liquor retailer, hotel and poker machine operator in Australia. The Woolworths limited family is one of the huge employers in Pacific-Asia. With around 200,000 team members working in support offices, stores and distribution centres across Newzeland and Australia. Woolworths limited also continues to develop in buying and wholesaling offices in India and Asia. Retailing is most people focused business that makes recruiting, retaining intelligent employees and developing significant to their success. Through Woolworths limited policies, educate and development opportunities, reward and recognition programs, career opportunities and initiative to provide a balance and healthy work life, they target to keep doing the right things by their people and they keep on to recognise Woolworths limited as such a great place to work. Woolworths limited is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer. A diversity strategy has been certified and developed by the top management group, part of Woolworths’ ongoing commitment to diversity. In Woolworths limited, where all employees are treated with respect, dignity and courtesy, this is their target to provide a healthy work environment. They acknowledge that diversity adds significance in bringing dissimilar perspectives to work environment and in reflect the communities they serve. It helps business benefits as well. A diversity working community has been created comprising and Human Resource managers from all divisions. The purpose of the community is to, prioritise events to harness diversity within the company, make sure that recognising diversity owned by the business and managing accordingly. The gender at Woolworths, female constitutes 55% of the company workforce and proud of the progress the com pany made in the area of gender diversity, mainly in the top leadership role. 16.7% of leadership roles in company were held by women, for the financial year 2003-04 and 27% had increase in the year 2008-09. In facilitating women’s career development and progression, Woolworths Limited focuses to create an environment that is appreciation and supportive of difference. Men and women offer various perspectives those provide undeniable business benefits and they try to remove the barriers that may restrict the women career progression. These include the structured networking opportunities and mentoring. Woolworth’s board members two are women out of nine, which represent 22% of the board. Peter chandler, a part time employee of Woolworths at Katherine in northern Territory, which is 320 kilometres from south Darwin, is among an expanding group of Indigenous Aussies who are become Woolworths employees. Peter has gained experience in almost all departments of the store, suc h as perishable, bakery and presently working as a night fill employee. Woolworths is such a great place to work, diverse backgrounds such as people with disability, should have the opportunity to be work with Woolworths, which job they are suited. Woolworths limited has a memo of understanding with disability works Australia (DWA) and when recruiting a disability candidate, Woolworths require the contractor to use service of the Disability work Australia. The contractor is the supported to wage system is used decide the employee’s wage.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Do the Games 'Grand Theft Auto IV' and 'Call of Duty- Modern Warfare Coursework

Do the Games 'Grand Theft Auto IV' and 'Call of Duty- Modern Warfare 3' Promote Violent Behaviour or are they Harmless - Coursework Example However, as games have become a more powerful industry, some people have suggested this may also have some negative effects. Games such as Grand theft auto IV have been reported as being responsible for adverse effects on players and various tabloid newspapers have said that violent games are deliberately based on reality. In general, the impact seen from video games has been credited to the mimicking of violence seen and played during the games. Studies also indicate how gamers playing violent video games are also more likely to act aggressively or engage in violent or aggressive behaviour towards other people. These gamers, especially those of younger ages, would be more likely to fight with their parents, their peers, or with their classmates. They would also be less likely to have executive control over their temper or emotions, making them easily prone to angry outbursts and aggression. Video games also have a desensitizing effect to violence, making players less reactive or les s likely to be shocked by violence they would see in the news or in their daily life. When games such as Grand Theft Auto IV are closely analysed, it is easy to see why they can be accused of encouraging violent behaviour. Grand Theft Auto is the video game notorious for allowing a player to hire a prostitute, kill her, and then retrieve the money giveniii . This game also gives the player a chance to shoot cops, run over pedestrians, and bludgeon passersby with a baseball bat. To many gamers, this series is gripping because not only does it allow the player to perform violence, but it also offers an immense environment where all violent possibilities can be played outiv. These games also seem to reinforce gender stereotypes, that of men being the natural aggressors and women being the submissive personalities. In other words, there is a disconnect between reality and gaming fantasy for these gamers. These gamers explore the fantasy world of aggression and play out violent scenarios – kill prostitutes, beat-up bystanders, hijack cars, and kill rival criminals. The challenge during their games is on how fast and how clever they can be in pulling out these acts. Translating these acts to the real world has not become a distant possibility for these gamers. The Daily Mail reports that Grand Theft Auto IV was pulled out by Nintendo after a Bangkok teen murdered a taxi driver apparently because he wanted ‘to see if it was as easy as it was in the game’v. Incidents like this indicate a lack of moral responsibility on the part of the gamer, and also on the part of the creators of the game who create an environment where killing a taxi driver is judged for its speed and efficacy, not for its moral implications. Medical experts have cited various studies that reviewed the impact of video games on human behaviour. In one of their studies, they observed that adolescents who were exposed to longer hours playing violent video games usually manifested be haviour that is more aggressive and were more likely to be confrontational with their teachers or to engage in fights with their peers. The repeated nature of the

Contemporary art and Gabriel Orozco Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Contemporary art and Gabriel Orozco - Essay Example The paper "Contemporary art and Gabriel Orozco" discovers the Gabriel Orozco in the context of contemporary art. Gabriel art includes sculpture, photography, paint and videos for his artwork. Gabriel’s animals, insects and human body are the crucial subjects in his work. Gabriel started exhibiting his work in art in 1983 where he had solo exhibition in various museums such as Museum of Modern Art among others. He also participated in a variety of art exhibitions including Venice Biennale in Italy, Whitney Biennial as well as Documenta x. Gabriel is famous for his work such as yoghurt caps, working tables, black kites among others that have attracted numerous honors including the blue Orange prize in 2006 and a DAAD artist-in-residence grant in Berlin 1995. Maya Lin is another world re-owned American designer born in 1959. Maya is a well-known artist identified for her art in sculpture and landscape work. Maya’s work encompasses environmental installation, studio artwork , architectural work and memorials connect. Maya tries to depict the world using technological methods to illustrate the natural environment. She uses sculpture and drawings to balance the beauty concept by describing the connection between nature and humans. Maya is famous for her architect of Vietnam Memorial in Washington, which is one crucial public art in the century. Mayas artwork such as Pin River – Yangtze, where the land meets the sea has dominated solo exhibitions in museums for years connect. Maya’s strong connection to the environment.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Compare and critically analyze the UK marketing strategies of Domino's Essay

Compare and critically analyze the UK marketing strategies of Domino's Pizza and Pizza Hut - Essay Example This paper will compare and critically analyse their business objectives will be made, followed by further comparisons and analyses of their marketing mix, marketing segmentation, and positioning in the UK market. The main priority for Domino’s Pizza is to provide timely and customer friendly service, which is reflected in its marketing objectives. For example, Domino’s considered the time when customers place and receive pizza orders as a great opportunity to connect with their customers. To do this, Domino’s offers their customer’s real time updates on order confirmation and delivery time to improve their delivery service. On the other hand, Pizza Hut’s main marketing objective is to engage with its customers by identifying their characteristics in order to provide them with relevant and timely offers. Moreover, Pizza Hut wishes to grow and retain its present customer base through the use of various promotion campaigns. Both Pizza Hut and Domino’s Pizza also seek to build their brand names to become household names in the UK, while also building customer loyalty through the provision of excellent and quality foods and quick service (Yohn, 2014). The basic product offered by Pizza Hut is dining experience, although they also provide food (Yohn, 2014: p1). The main product offering for Domino’s Pizza is their food, while their excellent delivery services that promise pizza in 30 minutes flat also counts as part of the product offering. As a result, customers whose basic need is food may visit Domino’s for a pizza or order for pizza from the comfort of their residence expecting good taste and hot pizza. The main difference between Pizza Hut and Domino’s is that Pizza Hut is mainly concerned with the dining experience because they run a restaurant operation, unlike Domino’s that mainly offers a home delivery service (Yohn, 2014). With

Friday, July 26, 2019

Natural Hazards in my Community (Abbotsford) Essay

Natural Hazards in my Community (Abbotsford) - Essay Example The natural hazards that may impact Abbotsford community include earthquakes, flooding, volcanic hazards such as landslides, ash falls volcanic mudflows. Abbotsford enjoys a mild climate, and the natural hazards are possible risks that do not occur often. There is the risk of the natural hazards occurring in Abbotsford, and, therefore, the community should be informed of their possible occurrence. Being informed is important as it results in appropriate disaster management and mitigation efforts. Abbotsford community may experience flooding due to Fraser River breaking its banks. Exceedingly warmer weather in the interior of British Columbia can cause melting of huge quantities of snow formed during winter. As snow melts, it flows into the Fraser River resulting in water levels that are higher than normal. Abbotsford is likely to experience snowmelt floods because it is located in the heart of Fraser River Basin. An increase in temperatures caused by global warming will lead to melti ng of snow formed on the mountains in British Columbia, which trickle down the basin as floodwater. In 2007, residents of Abbotsford were warned by emergency planners of possible flooding owing to the melting of winter’s massive snowpack. In 1999, water levels in Fraser River reached flood stage and impacted communities and homes. The most recent catastrophic flood in the Lower Fraser River Basin occurred in 1948 leading to damage of thousands of homes, evacuation of thousands of people and additional economic damages.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Relation between Entrepreneur and New Venture Essay

Relation between Entrepreneur and New Venture - Essay Example The researcher states that there is no agreed definition of the entrepreneur, but entrepreneurship is related to new business ventures. An entrepreneur is an individual who establishes new business ventures for profit-making purposes. In the entrepreneurship sphere, a creation of a new venture is a separate and distinct phenomenon, which includes business formation, acquisition and mergers, and advancing the business. The creation of a new venture is a complex, crucial, and multidimensional process that involves interaction between an individual and his socio-economic environment. The process is critical because it designs the future ventures building blocks; principally, it comprises the activities, ideas, actions, and techniques displayed by entrepreneurs towards materializing their visions and concepts into an operating business. This clearly shows that in order for an entrepreneur to be successful, he or she must possess a high level of mental hardness to assist him or she persev ere and make operational strategic decisions. The stages of creating a new venture occur in the mind of entrepreneurs through interaction with the society and on the computer while the real venture activities have not been started. The major viewpoints introduced in the process of creating a new venture include the following: 1) recognition of a type of prospects; notions to be executed as future business. 2) Vision; different activities and strategies that are normally applied in the initial stages of the new venture. 3) Groundwork is an important factor that enables materialization of the concept into the real business. 4) The intention of financing the future ventures 5) The sense of planning and ensuing impacts on the entrepreneur and the venture 6) Quality of the entrepreneurial profile of persons showing a new business formation process 7) Environment, which is a major contributor to the process.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Criminology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Criminology - Essay Example It familiarizes students with the techniques, strategies and forms of writing used in the professional world. This course will increase students’ knowledge of organizational writing and communications, including case analysis, data interpretation, problem solving and report writing. This also covers basic police correspondence, and regular police work requiring oral and written reports, investigation and interrogation, and many other police duties and responsibilities. Course Overview Welcome to CRJ302 Effective Professional Communications. The main purpose of this course is to improve communications skills, both oral and written. The secondary purpose is to improve the officer's ability to complete the reports and forms commonly used in the criminal justice system. The best way to improve communication skills is by practicing these skills correctly. Throughout the course are opportunities to do this. English grammar rules are covered and other writing improvement tips includi ng how to improve improper English and how to refine present skills. The communication process begins with the four regions of knowledge and basic type of communication patterns, special communications issues such as dealing with those in other language and culture groups that a street cop especially, might encounter along with public speaking, communicating with the media, and questioning and interviewing techniques for suspects. Finally, a section on active listening skills and hostage negotiations are explored along with law enforcement records that are used in the criminal justice system and the critical need of officers to understand how to use, fill in, and disperse appropriate records. Course Objectives   Upon completion of this course, you should be able to: Identify the basic communication process, and the concepts and rules in the law enforcers’ oral and written communication. Recognize proper usage of words and sentences in police correspondence. Recall the forma ts and templates used in reports, affidavits, search warrants and warrants of arrest. Name the barriers to communication and special communication issues. Specify the ultimate questions used in investigation and interrogation, and how to be an effective hostage negotiator. Course Schedule and Topics This course will cover the following topics in eight modules: Week 1: Module 1: Basic Communication in Law Enforcement Week 2: Module 2: Barriers to communication Week 3: Module 3: Special Communication Issues Week 4: Module 4: Communicating in Public Week 5: Module 5: Police Reporting Week 6: Module 6: Reports, Affidavits, Warrants, & Search Warrants Week 7: Module 7: Investigation and Interrogation Week 8: Module 8: Hostage Negotiations Study Guide COURSE - The course is divided into eight topic-related modules.  In general, each module’s concepts and material build cumulatively so a best approach to successful completion of the course is to study these modules in the same ord er as they appear in the Course Schedule and Topics.   Study any supplemental resources provided with your course to give you greater depth of understanding of the subject matter.   The course content is available to you at all times so that you may read ahead, and review assignments.   This will help you anticipate your work load and to understand how the course concepts are integrated and built upon one another.   TEXTBOOK - Your textbook may be in the form of hard copy or e-text. E-text means your textbook is accessed online. Some

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

List and describe the seven steps of selling. Give an example of each Essay

List and describe the seven steps of selling. Give an example of each step. CH12 - Essay Example In the case of a school principal, ask the number of uniforms needed, sizes and colors. Overcoming objections involves eliminating all customers’ doubts by answering all questions they have concerning the product. A customer, for example, hiring one of your taxi cars can ask how long the car has been operating, its fuel consumption, any mechanical problems, and whether it is licensed (Silver & Howard, 2006). In this step, the customer makes a commitment and ends up buying the product. Give out your product as you receive the cash (Silver & Howard, 2006). A polite way of doing so would be, for example, asking, â€Å"Will you family be comfortable with the Toyota corolla?† In this step, the seller makes compliments and presents ideas that can lead to additional product sales. Normally, the suggested sales have a relationship with the original purchase (Silver & Howard, 2006). You can, for example, recommend the customer who hires your taxi to fuel it in a nearby filling station where you have shares. For success in business, entrepreneurs should stay in touch with customers even after making the sales. Follow-ups include making phone calls, sending emails, and wishing them happy birthdays. Such actions help retain customers (Silver & Howard,

Autobiography Essay Essay Example for Free

Autobiography Essay Essay Many people in today’s society think just because I am a young lady I have an easy fun filled life. Well, that is not true. Life has many ups and downs but it is up to us whether we want it to be a successful one or not. Life is filled with obstacles for us to overcome no matter how tragic. Back in 2009, the most unexpected tragedy I thought that would never happen occurred. My grandfather died in September and my grandmother died in December. It was a hard and difficult time for me because they both died within a matter of four months apart from each other. Another incident occurred that was almost fatal. My brother was involved in a car accident in Kemp Road last year May. The accident was so horrific, the right side of his body was paralyzed. He had to do therapy at Doctors Hospital so he could drive and walk properly again. Sometime in everyone’s life, they are either nervous or scared to take an examination. I had my experience of nervousness when I had to take my national examination. In the Bahamas, the national examination is a test students would have to take for the Bahamas General Certificate of Secondary Education (B.G.C.S.E.) or the Bahamas Junior Certificate (B.J.C.). The exam I had to take was Music which consists of theory and a practical exam. Theory means to listen to a musical piece and answer questions about it and practical means to play a musical piece. When it was my turn to perform my musical piece, I panicked but I tried my best to keep calm. Yes, millions of butterflies were in my stomach just like any other person would have before a big exam like that one. As I played my piece, the millions of butterflies I was experiencing were decreasing by each note I played. By the time as I finished playing my piece, I was confident I passed and I did with a B. One of my greatest successes I achieved in my life is graduating from Aquinas College Catholic High School and receiving my diploma. I was very  satisfied with my accomplishment and achievement and made my parents proud. My other success in life is obtaining my driver’s license. For a teenager, having your license is a big deal because it is one step closer to freedom. Most persons could not say they have their first godchild until the age of 30, but I had the privilege of having my first godchild at the age of 16. Her name is Danielle Rigby and she is my pride and joy. Some other successes in my life are cooking and playing the flute from the age of 10, playing my clarinet from the age of 15 and being accepted into the great Bethune Cookman University. Some of the Bahamian dishes I can make are curry chicken and white rice, friend plankton, potato salad, BBQ ribs, minced lobster and many more. I have been playing the flute for nine years and counting, and I treat it just like a young baby. My future goals and aspirations are to graduate from college with honors, obtain a career where I can prove I am worth being there by working to the best of my ability and having a family of my own someday. All of these things I went through to become the young lady I am today. This is my life, my story.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Roman Architecture Essay Example for Free

Roman Architecture Essay Some 2,025 years ago, an aged Roman architect named Vitruvius wrote all he knew on architecture on 10 scrolls and presented it to Emperor Augustus in the hope of developing this dying art. Known as the, ‘Ten Books on Architecture,’ this piece of antiquity is the only such work to survive through medieval times, and continues to be an important resource for architects today Prof. Thomas Gordon Smith, Viturvius on Architecture. The early Christian church was spectacular in architecture. They were an end-product of a combination of assimilation and rejection of precedents, such as the Greek temple, the Roman public building, the private Roman house, and the synagogue. The Early Christian church (the Basilica church) architecture developed from Roman secular basilica; a centralized type from Roman tombs (Early Christian Architecture, Ch.4, p.159-169, n.d) . 2.0 Introduction Roman architecture dates back in time when Greek architecture was at its best. Many of the Greek style have been perfected by the Romans and this can be seen in the architectural brilliance in their churches to date. The Pantheon is a prime example of architectural brilliance. The Pantheon was originally built as a temple to the seven deities of the seven planets in the Roman state religion, but is now a Christian church since the 7th century. Such is the construction that it remains the best-preserved and the oldest important Roman building in the world. What’s more, this building has its original roof intact. It remained in use throughout its history (Architecture, chapter four, pp. 159-169). 2.1 History The Pantheon was built as early as 27-25 BC during the third consulship of Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa. As testimony stands the inscription of his name on the portico of the building, which reads, ‘M ·AGRIPPA ·L ·F ·COS ·TERTIUM ·FECIT.’ It was originally built with adjoining baths and water gardens, but this structure lay destroyed by a raging fire in AD 80, only to be rebuilt around 125 during the reign of the then Emperor, Emperor Hadrian. On reconstruction, the text of the original inscription of Agrippa was added; a practice followed during Hadrians rebuilding processes all over Rome. The building went through subsequent repairs under Septimius Severus and Caracalla. In 609 the Byzantine emperor Phocas presented the Pantheon to Pope Boniface IV, who reconsecrated it as a Christian church, the Church of Mary and all the Martyr Saints. The buildings consecration as a church saved it from the abandonment which befell the majority of ancient Romes buildings during the early mediaeval period. The building however lost some of its external sculptures above Agrippas inscription. The marble interior and the great bronze doors have survived, although the doors came in for repair works several times. Since the Renaissance the Pantheon was used as a tomb, and those buried here were the late painters, Raphael and Annibale Caracci, the architect Baldassare Peruzzi and King Vittorio Emanuele II and his Queen Margherita, and King Umberto I.   Since 1946, when Italy became a republic, many members of Italian monarchist organizations still maintain a vigil over the royal tombs in the Pantheon. Despite protests from republicans, the Catholic authorities have allowed this practice to continue. The Pantheon however, remains to be a church with masses continuing to follow celebrations and weddings (Architecture, chapter four, pp. 159-169). 2.2 Structure The Pantheon was perhaps among the most difficult piece of architecture to build. The huge structure would make even today’s architects amazed by their precision and craftsmanship. The dome would have taken years to perfect and establish, for it was very high up from the floor and definitely a challenging task. Following is a detailed description of this mighty structure. The Pantheon is circular in structure with a portico of three ranks of huge granite Corinthian columns; eight in the first rank and two groups of four behind. These huge columns, under a pediment, open out into a rotunda, under a coffered, concrete dome, with a central opening called the oculus, the Great Eye, to the sky. A rectangular structure links the portico with the rotunda. On the walls behind the portico are the statues of Caesar, Augustus and Agrippa. The large bronze doors, once gold-plated remain, but without the gold. The pediment, decorated with bronze sculptures depicting the Battle of the Titan s, shows gaping holes where once stood the clamps which held the sculptures. The height to the oculus (the roof) and the diameter of its inner circle are 43 meters, making the whole interior fit within a cube. This dome remains the largest surviving antiquity, and was the largest dome in Western Europe until Brunelleschis dome of the Duomo of Florence was completed in 1436. The dome was covered with gilded bronze plates. The interior of the roof was crafted to symbolize the heavens. The Great Eye, at 27 feet, and at the domes apex, was the source for lighting the interior and represented the sun. The interior also featured sunken panels (coffers) of bronze star ornaments. These coffers not only presented a decorative splendor, but helped reduce the weight of the roof. The top of the rotunda wall had a series of brick-relieving arches that were visible on the outside were once hidden by marble facings. The Pantheon is made up of such devices; there are relieving arches over the recesses inside, all that were again originally hidden by marble facing. An important aspect of the structure is that the proportions of the building are in discord to classical ideal. The rather large pediment appears far too heavy for the columns supporting it; the earlier expectation was that the building would be much taller than its current size actually is, and this raises the issue of its affect on the larger columns. Since there was shortage in supply of raw material (imported stones), the columns were not enough to build as per designs, and completed somewhat out of proportion. The composition of the concrete used to construct the dome remains a mystery. It would need technological excellence to create anything close to this, for; the dome was so heavy that it would barely have been able to stand on its own weight. Concrete has very low tensile strength, yet the Pantheon has stood for centuries. It is believed that the Romans used pozzolanic ash from a nearby volcano and fist-sized rocks to the concrete made up of a hydrate lime. The high tensile strength it appears, seems to come from the way the concrete was applied in very small amounts and then tamped down to remove excess water. This would have removed the appearance of air bubbles that form in concrete as it dries, increasing its strength enormously (Architecture, chapter four, pp. 159-169, n.d). The Roman Christian church remains one of the most brilliant discoveries in architectural history. This was achieved through ways of assimilating and rejecting various precedents, such as the Greek temple, the Roman public and private buildings, and the synagogue. Italy was the home of Christianity, and this effectively led to the development of an underground Eastern mystery cult during the first three centuries AD, and established as the state religion of the Empire under the successors of Constantine.   The early Christian Architecture saw the development of basilica churches from Roman secular basilicas. In Rome, classical marble wall membering, vocabulary and massive walls were gradually replaced by broad, flat surfaces. Evenly lighted, these structures had plain brick exteriors and mosaic bands as interiors. 3.0 Literature Review The Romans adopted the classical Greek architecture for their own purposes, but which, they modified to suit their needs and create a new architectural style. Both, the Greek and Roman styles of architecture are thus, often considered one body of classical architecture. â€Å"Roman architecture represents a fusion of traditional Greek and Etruscan elements, notably the trabeated orders† (Early Christian Architecture, n.d), with changes coming about in their structural principles based on the design of arch and usage of concrete.   The Romans achieved originality very late in their existence; they were nearly carbon copies of early Greek structures. It was only later that the influence of Etruscans in the form of arch and the three-dimensional countenance of domes began to take shape. The two developments of any significance were the Tuscan and Composite orders. While the Tuscan model was made of the shortened, simplified variant on the Doric order, the Composite model was more elaborate; tall orders with the floral decoration of the Corinthian and scrolls of the Ionic. With the discovery of concrete, the Romans were able to construct curved and stronger structures.   Tile-covered concrete took over from marbles as the primary building material and architects were able to innovate using its flexibility to build huge, structural buildings that were extremely brilliant monuments. Structures with huge supporting pillars to support arches and domes came into being; they also inspired the development of colonnade screens, a row of purely decorative columns in front of load-bearing walls. Tiling took the Romans by storm, as many Roman homes joined the well known mural in decorating floors, walls, and grottoes in geometric and pictorial designs (Early Christian Architecture, n.d).   A recent study of Eastern Roman architecture illustrated the ‘imperial’ style and universality of Roman architecture, drawing upon Greek prototypes but designed to be of single theme to integrate a ‘common cultural basis.’ Architecture was seen as a manifestation, a tool to enforce its power over subject nations by a common, imposed vocabulary seen to be the same in every city of the empire, except for some minor decorative details and construction techniques. There is a homogeneity to Roman architecture cannot be denied, but it was never the overriding factor either. Nowhere was regionalism more important in Roman architecture than in the East. In this past, this has been minimized, usually because Roman architecture has been viewed almost wholly from the Classi cal perspective (Ball W, p.247, 2000). Counter Reformation attitudes however are not reflected or influenced the architectural development in ancient Roman architecture. The influence of early Christianity and Scholasticism can be seen in some isolated cases, such as the Cathedral of Mantua in 1545 by Giulio Romano, where colonnades, architrave, and flat ceiling of the nave can be traced back to Old St.Peter’s (Kruft H. W, Ch.8, p.93, 1996) .   The Romans contribution to architecture remains exemplified through its robust presence throughout Europe and North America by way of arches and domes of governmental and religious buildings (Early Christian Architecture, n.d). During the 17th century, Roman Catholic churches reveled in artistry that combined architecture as well as painting and sculpture. The interiors were conspicuous by the baroque combines all three arts to produce a sense of emotional exuberance. This style differed from the Renaissance. The Roman Catholic world was the home of baroque, and the Catholic Church enjoyed an aura of centuries of authority and prestige. St. Peter’s Church in Rome set the example for numerous other churches built and decorated in the 17th century to put baroque. Welcomed by rows of saints, gesticulating eagerly in stone from alcove or roof line, the interior was full of mingling curves of columns, altars and sculpted groups, breaking up the solidity of side walls, leading up to an illusionist ceiling that became a source that provided light to the inside. The ceilings were decorated with angels and people of fame or virtue, streaming upwards into the distant clouds of heaven (Historyworld, n.d). Frescos’ were predominant Roman style architectural revelations. The Romanesque and Gothic St Marys Cathedral, built between the 9th and 14th centuries, featured impressive frescos, an 11th-century bronze portal, a Romanesque crypt, and paintings by Hans Holbein the Elder. The survival of a few twelfth-century windows displaying the prophets (see photo at the end) are among the oldest stained glass windows in German churches (HHOG, 2006). Erfurts landmark is dwarfed by Mariendom (Cathedral of Mary) and the Severikirche (St. Severus Church). The churches are standing examples of German architectural masterpieces of gothic style. The ‘Gloriosa’ (1497) (see photo), also called, the ‘queen of bells,’ has been praised for centuries for her magnificent sound. Inside the cathedral one sees the impressive gothic choir with its colorful cycle of stained glass windows that number 13 in all. They are over 40 feet high and are considered to be among the greatest works of medieval stained glass art. The Cathedral houses many noteworthy treasures of art created over the centuries. A wide and impressive open air stairway leads up from the Cathedral Square to the Cathedral and the Church of St. Severus (HHOG, 2006). 4.0 Summary Roman architecture dates back in time when Greek architecture was at its best. Many of the Greek style have been perfected by the Romans and this was evident in the way they built their churches. The Pantheon was an example of Roman architectural excellence, for the structure used some of the most complicated designs and shapes to defy logic. The Roman Christian churches remain one of the most brilliant discoveries in architectural history. Their style of designing and construction was achieved through ways of assimilating and rejecting various precedents, such as the Greek temple, the Roman public and private buildings, and the synagogue. 5.0 Illustrations The Pantheon: Photo Courtesy: Twelfth-century windows displaying the prophets are said to be the oldest stained glass windows in Germany Photo Courtesy: Cathedral and Church Photo Courtesy: 6.0 Bibliography Ancient Roman Architecture, Reading: Architecture, chapter four, pp. 159169 Early Christian Architecture, Prof. Thomas Gordon Smith, Viturvius on Architecture, Hanno-Walter Kruft, A History of Architectural Theory: From Vitruvius to the Present, 1996, Princeton Architectural, ISBN 1568980108 Warwick Ball, 2000, Rome in the East: The Transformation of an Empire, Routledge, London, ISBN 0415243572 Historyworld Index Search, HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE, Baroque as a style: 17th 18th century AD, HHOG, Historic Highlights of Germany, Dom (Cathedral), Augsburg: The German Renaissance, HHOG, Historic Highlights of Germany, Erfurt: The Medieval City, Mariendom (Cathedral of Mary) and Severikirche (St. Severus Church)

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Market Analysis On Jewellery In India

Market Analysis On Jewellery In India 1.0 Introduction Marketing communication plays a vital role while launching a new brand or product in todays cut-throat market. It is a form of persuasion which plays the role to understand the communicators purpose (ethos) and the communication process (pathos) thus in having an influencing effect with the customer(logos) This document describes in-depth the process involved to launch a new brand of jewellery called Cadbury Gems Limited in the Indian market as well as the UK market. 2.0 Cadbury Gem Analysis Cadbury Gem has product line only in the jewellery in gold, platinum, colored gems and diamond. By 2015, its main focus will be on corporate social responsibility while operating any process. It has plans of launching Teenager Collection of white jewellery by 2014. Their main competitors are Tanishq and Gili. 3.0 Market Analysis on Jewellery in India The Indian jewellery market is large and consist of unbranded where branded jewellery accounts only for less than 2% per year and 300,000 consists of unorganized one. The dominant players in the field of jewellery manufacturing are Italy, Hong Kong, China, Thailand, United States. Leading player in the Indian jewellery are Gili part of the Gitanjali Gems Limited and Tansihq, Reliance Jewel, Joyalukkas. 4.0 About Cadbury Gems The Cadbury Gems Limited will cater the primary target women and secondary target men in the age group of 25-40 years in the domestic market and the international market. It will provide a differential advantage by providing Personalized Service for loyal customer in terms of design and patterns and expert advice on wedding jewellery in the UK market. 5.0 PEST Analysis Political The Indian Government has taken up measures to lower import duty of platinum and gems ,colored stones are exempted from tax .There are plans of Indian Government to establish Diamond Bourses. Economic Due to the global economic recession, Indias gems and jewellery export and import also got affected it.The dynamic change in the exchange rates of pounds and INR affects the domestic as well as international market .It affected the GDP of Indian economy and thus lessen the consumer expenditure too affecting the sales. Socio-Cultural The socio and cultural plays a huge role in the Jewellery market of India as jewellery is considered to be a tradition from ancestral time and it is a necessity in many of its cultural occasion . Technological India has become the leading manufacturer in terms of jewellery because of its advanced technology and according to GPEC there is a rise of 18% to 407.36 lakh carats for cut and polished diamond. 6.0 Competitor Analysis 6.0.1 About Tanishq Tanishq is one of the pioneers in branded jewellery and largest jewellery brand in India founded in 1995 AT Hosur, Tamil Nadu. It is a part of Titan Industry-group endorsed by the Tata Group. It has 118 stores in 76 major cities of India and has a market share of 50% in branded jewellery. Tanishq product lines consist of the following: Tanishq Diamonds Tanishq Gold Tanishq Platinum 6.0.2 Segmentation Tanishq has segmented its consumer based on the three types. They are segmented as follows: Behavioral Tanishq exemplifies behavioral segmentation as it portrays purchase occasion based on festival like diwali, akshaya, tritiya, karva chauth. It also segment its jewellery as everyday wear, special occasion wear and wedding wear like Lightweight Colours an everyday wear, Enamel and Diamonds Psychographic and Profile It also shows profile and lifestyle segmentation as it segments its jewellery called Collection G called nine-to-five jewellery. It also has collection called All Day Diamonds which are affordable and can be worn throughout the day 24 *7. It also tries to capture the different designs in new region like Bengali design in Delhi, Kerala style in Tamil Nadu etc 6.0.3 Targeting Differentiated: Different marketing mix are applied for each segment. Customized: Different marketing mix are applied for each customer. Differentiated marketing and customized marketing strategies are used. Its design was created for niche market for elite Indians but then concentrated on mass marketing. It targets women who are modern yet grounded and men who are above 25 years. 6.0.4 Positioning Uses product repositioning and act as a brand for elite people in India of international brand but then re-positioned in the market as Jewellery for adornment. Tanishq has come up with Aamra mix of western and traditional .It position the brand which provides trust and guaranteed purity. 6.0.5 Communication Strategies Tanishq Pull Strategy Advertising To create brand equity it uses the approach of 360 degree. They focus on celebrity endorsement as people in India are highly obsessed with the celebrity and create a huge impact and associate with events like marriage , diwali,raksha bandhan. Print advertisement Tanishq target the leading woman magazine like Femina, Filmfare which are very popular in India and other leading newspaper like The Times of India and such advertisement are frequent during occasions and it is quite seasonal. Tanishq Push Strategy Sales promotion and associating with Events Tanishq has a tie-up with Bollywood movie like Paheli. Promotion like Free Gold Coin Campaign, then Freeze Your Gold Price during the festival of Dhanteras are used. Public Relation Recently they have organized Diamonds of Class which target woman who are bold and the beautiful where Tanishq diamond complementing her lifestyle. Direct marketing Internet Sales and catalogues are used. Offers and Discount It offers and discount in festive occasion like Diwali, Mothers Day, Valentine Day, Environment Day and also target specific segment of working woman by coming up with the collection called Tanishq Collection-G .It also organizes joint promotion with LOreal and Wills Lifestyle. 6.1.1 About Gili Gili is a part of the Gitanjali Gems Limited (GGL).Gili is founded in 1994 and it is symbolizes youth, love and emotions has its headquarter is based at Mumbai. It is known for producing a heart-shaped diamond of 0.03 carat and 25 patented patterns. It has 3000 retail outlet in India and contributes a share of 40% in an organized jewellery market. It has a market share of 8.3%. Gili has collection of Work Valentine Traditional Teens Mens Collection Mangalsutra 6.2.2 Segmentation Gili segment based on the following: Behavioral Gili has segmented based on purchase occasion like Valentine, wedding, birthday, anniversary and has Valentine ,Mangalsutra,Traditional collections. Profile and Lifestyle Gili again has work collection .They have the Men collection and have jewellery based on the income like segmenting the jewellery with price. 6.2.3 Targeting Gili follows the differentiated and mass marketing. It creates a sense of high-quality studded diamond of contemporary design. They have the collection for working woman in particular. They have targeted even the men with Mens collection.They target in the age group of 15-30 years of age. 6.2.3 Positioning Image repositioning its brand as a brand which represents trust by adhering to authentic certification, quality and reliable by keeping standard practices .It creates a differential advantage by positioning as a brand that created the first 0.03 karat heart-shaped diamond the smallest in the world. 6.2.4Communication Strategies Gili Pull Strategy Advertising Bipashu Basu is the brand ambassador and endorses the products by associating it with events like Valentine day. Print Advertising in leading newspaper like The Telegraph, Times of India and advertising in leading magazine like Filmfare. Gili Push Strategy Events Indians are fascinated by the celebrities so they organized star visits and sponsoring films like in Vivaah,Krissh .They also sponsored the Lakme Fashion Week and Femina Miss India Contest. Joint- Promotion It is done through retailer like Shoppers Stop. Direct-mailers and catalogue They employ this strategy and received a huge feedback and have increased the sales enormously. 7.0 Launch of Cadbury Gem in India 7.0.1 Communication Objectives To generate brand awareness of 60% of Cadbury Gem to both men and women who are in the age group of 25-40 by March 2012. To create a brand image that can be trusted and caters Personalized Service in terms of design. To change peoples attitude that jewellery can also be worn by men often. 7.0.2 Communication Strategy Pull strategy will be used to create awareness. To create brand image of trust which caters Personalized Service profile strategy will be used. Communication appeal will be more of emotional like the experience associate with the festive season and events and the benefits and a bit of rational like the price and the quality it will offer. The perceived risk will be financial risk. 7.0.3 Segmentation Cadbury Gems will segment based on Behavioral It will be based on purchase occasion, purchase behavior, usage segmentation. Purchase occasion As done by the contemporary, it will make use of occasions like Wedding Anniversary, Birthdays and important Indian festival like Raksha Bandhan,Holi. It will create collection such as Festive Collection suitable for any festival and All in One Occasions collection. Purchase behavior It will target the innovators who are ready to take risk in buying the product as soon as the launch is done. Usage segmentation: It will target heavy as well as light user i.e women who are already using and men who just contribute 20% of the jewellery purchase. Belief and Values It will target men and women who believe in living and celebrating life. Psychographic It will used lifestyle and personality segmentation. Lifestyle It will target women who are sophisticated as well as ordinary women of simple lifestyle. For men, it will target metrosexual men and has collection called Exclusive for Men. Personality It will aim at people who are innovators who accepts the new product soon and who are expressive where Cadbury Gems portrays who they are. It will have collection called Itz Me. Profile: It will use age as criteria to segment. Age It will target men and women who are in the age group of 25-40. 7.0.4 Targeting It will use differentiated and customized marketing. It will design its jewellery for men and women in the age group of 25-40 years with specified design of their choice. The customer can come up with its pattern and specification of their choice and it will take minimum lead days of 10 days to deliver to their customer. 7.0.5 Positioning: Perceptual Map: High Price Tanishq Gitanjali Gems Limited Reliance Jewellery Wide Product Range Cadbury Gem Narrow Product Range Joyallukas Low Price Fig: Perpetual Map It will use tangible repositioning for the mens collection as it will focus on mens section by creating Exclusive for Men Collection. For the womens section it will use product repositioning by introducing Itz Me collection, All in One Occasions, Festive Collection. Differential advantage will be achieved by positioning as a trusted brand which provides Personalized Services employing designers who can give feedbacks about the design the customer comes up and suggest expert ideas to the customer effectively and efficiently. 7.0.6 Message The aim of the campaign is to create brand awareness among the women who are the primary target and also the secondary target men both in the age group of 25-40 years and also to create an impact as a brand that cater the customers needs by giving Personalized Service to those customer who are loyal to Cadbury Gems. 7.0.7 Launch Date The advertising campaign will run throughout the year starting from April 2011 till the end of March 2012 giving main focus during the festive season like November, December as these are the season where major festivals occur in India. It is expected to launch its product in April 2012. 7.0.8 Budget  £20 million will be allocated as people are not aware of the products therefore huge amount needs to be invested in campaigning and advertising. 8.0 Integrated Communication Plan Integrated Communication plan plays an important role to pass the same message to the targeted audience in a consistent way so that they are not confuse, mislead if it employs different communication channel without integrating . It will used both above the line and below the line strategy and profile too. 8.0.1 Above the line Advertising on TV Advertisement will be put on popular channel like Sony ,Star Plus, Zee TV,C olors where popular soaps and serial are transmitted. Justification Impact large audience in a short span of time and helps to increase word of mouth. Short lead time Target the women of age 25-40 and put the ads in between popular soap and serials likeUttaran,Jyoti,Balika Vadhu. Frequency of the Ad will be like 7-8 times in the channels mentioned above. Magazines and Newspaper Advertisement will be placed on leading magazine like Woman Era, Outook, Readers Digest and on leading newspaper like The Hindu,The Economic Times as these are the magazines read by corporate men and women. Justification The ad will remain as long as the magazine and newspaper are kept. Target both the men and women through this channel of communication Credibility of the information is high. Metrosexual men and corporate consumer youth will be targeted easily. FM Radio Short Ad with be played in major FM station like Radio City and Radio Mirchi and Meow. Justification Low cost. Can reach large consumers faster with short lead time and Ad will be placed more around 9-11 A.M and 5-7 P.M the working hours of most of the company and timing for college goers too. Medium to high salaried people, youth who are fashion conscious of both the sexes will be reached easier. Billboards 15 X20 billboards will be placed especially near the mall, cinema -theatre, plazas and area where colleges and companies are more. Justification Comparatively involves lower cost and frequency of exposure is high. Information and persuasion can be done effectively and efficiently leading to brand awareness. 8.0.2 Below the line Direct Marketing Mails will be sent to such customer about the designs and new collection. It will target the loyal and frequent buyer of Cadbury Gem by giving loyalty card and points to those regular buyer. Customer which exceeds 1000 points will be given free Personalized Service giving expert expert advice to the design the customer has come up. Justification It will give good return of investment of if clear database is maintained about the customer. After achieving the brand awareness of 60%, direct marketing can be used to create profile strategy projecting as a brand of trust and customer oriented. Sponsorship and Exhibition It will sponsor and associate with Bollywood Movies to showcase its collection. It will also sponsor the major ramp shows held Lakme Fashion Week and events like Femina Miss India Contest, Zee Cinema Awards and organize exhibition where popular male celebrity John Abraham will be the brand ambassador Justification Helps in rectifying the customer perception and beliefs. To attract new customer and attain new customer. Chances of face-face meeting with the potential customer thus enhancing relationship building. E-media It will make use of the social networking sites like Facebook,Twitter and Orkut which are quite popular to promote their products. Justification Relatively cost-effective. Information can be spreaded like wildfire thus increasing word of mouth. 9.0 Launch of Cadbury Gem in the UK Market 9.0.1 Communication Objective To create an awareness of 5% among the non-resident Indian in the UK market by March 2012. 9.0.2 Communication Strategy To create an awareness of 5% among the non-resident Indian in the UK market by using both push and pull strategy. 9.0.3 Segmentation Cadbury Gems will segment based on behavioral,psychographic,lifestyle and personality as done in the domestic market. It will adopt the same strategy. 9.0.4 Targeting The strategy of targeting remains the same as in the domestic market i.e differentiated and customized. 9.0.5 Positioning Intangible positioning will be used for the men by introducing Western Mens Collection. Product positioning will be used for women and it will introduce Elegant Collection and will position as a brand that provides special attention on design and pattern on occasion of the wedding. 9.0.6 Message Its aim is to create awareness in the same sector and also to create a brand image which provides special assistance for wedding jewellery by introducing its Sophisticated Jewellery for Wedding with expert advice on design and patterns. 9.0.7 Budget Only  £10 million will be invested in campaigning and advertising. 9.0.8 Above the line It will use advertising on TV on the same channels as in domestic market ,advertisement will be displayed on magazine like Marie Claire,Vogue and Cosmopolitan exclusively. Justification NRI in UK invest their time and money on such hi-fi magazine and moreover they find the information credible. 9.0.9 Below the line It will use public relation like exhibition, sales promotion and e-media. Exhibition The exhibition will be especially for the NRI like Sophisticated Jewellery for Wedding with expert advice on design and patterns, Western Mens Collection for men and Elegant Collection for women and letting the celebrity like the former Miss World 1995 Aishwarya Rai Bachchan the brand ambassador of Cadbury Gem in such exhibition as glamour and glitz business impacts NRI in a huge way. Justification Creates awareness more as compared to other form of media. It gives a direct feedback from potential customer, face to face communication and it is an ideal way to attract new customer when new products are launched. Sales Promotion: Offer like free accessories i.e ray-ban sun glasses, branded make-up kit and discount of 20% will be given to customer who buys  £420 of jewellery. Justification It will attract the new customer and may boost up the sales when the product is too new in the market. E-media : It will make use of the social networking sites like Facebook,Twitter only as Orkut is not in use by the NRI. The reason for using this is that majority of the NRI are computer savvy.. 9.0.10 Cultural Influences for UK launch A niche market will be used to target the non-resident Indian (NRI) and there will not be huge impact of cultural influence but in terms of jewellery design it should be more sophisticated and elegant and a mixture of Indo-Western. 9.0.11 Assessing Advertsing Effectiveness Pre-testing Focus group and concept testing can be used before the launch. Post-testing Enquiry test, feedback, surveys can be used to test the recognition and recall test. This will give an idea whether the customer has accepted the product or not, if yes how much, if not where it has to give focus. 11.0 Conclusion Cadbury Gem jewellery will be launched in both the domestic i.e India and international market i.e UK keeping into consideration the various strategy and tactics that needs to be considered while launching in different market. 20million INR will be spent in the domestic market in advertising as it is competing with already established jewellery brand Tanishq and Gili. It will allocate only  £10million INR for the international market as the objective is to create awareness of only 5%. References Bhat.H Retailing, Tanishq [online] available from [26th February,2011] Bhat.H (2004)Growing the Branded Jewellery Market: An Indian Experience [online] available from [23th February, 2011] Business Map of India India Gold Market [online] available from [12th March,2011] Data Monitor Jewellery India [online] available from [12th March, 2011] Choksi.M (2010)Leader Speak [online] available from [26th February, 2011] Commodity Online Gold Industry in India to cross $26 billion by 2012 [online] available from [12th March, 2011] Data Monitor Jewellery India [online] available from [12th March, 2011] Diamond World News Service Role of Gem and Jewellery Industry Lauded in Indias Prowess [online] available from [19th February, 2011] Drobis.D.R (1998) Integrated Marketing Communications Redefined Journal of Integrated Communication Gili Beautifully You [online] available from [1st March, 2011] Gitanjali Group(2010) Gitanjali Group'[online] available from [1st March ,2011] Indian Brand Equity Foundation (2010) Gems and Jewellery [online] available from [12th March, 2011] Jewellery (2010) Jewellerry -India Euromonitor International: Country Sector Briefing Kannabiran.G, Bhaumik.S (2005) Corporate turnaround through effective supply chain management: the case of a leading jewellery manufacturer in India Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 10(5)340 348 Kanani Industries Limited Kanani Industries Limited 27th Annual Report [online] available from [19th February, 2011] Narayanan.S,Manchanda,Puneet,Chintagunta.P.K (2005) Temporal Differences in the Role of Marketing Communications in New Product Categories Journal of Marketing Research, 42(3)278-290 Narayanandas.D (2006) Tanishq: Positioning to Capture the Indian Womans Heart [online] available from> [19th February,2011] NewsJewellers find star-studded show a hit [online] available from [26th February, 2011] PoulHoumanAndersen (2001)Relationship development and marketing communication: an integrative model, Journal of Business Industrial Marketing, 16 (3)167 183 Rao.A (2011) Tanishq goes retro in new Diamonds of Class still campaign [online] available from [26th February, 2011] Whalen D.J (2010) Ethical Advertising Messages Design Management Journal 2(4)75-80

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Bluest Eye by Toni Morisson :: Toni Morisson The Bluest Eye

Toni Morisson's novel The Bluest Eye is about the life of the Breedlove family who resides in Lorain, Ohio, in the late 1930s. This family consists of the mother Pauline, the father Cholly, the son Sammy, and the daughter Pecola. The novel's focal point is the daughter, an eleven-year-old Black girl who is trying to conquer a bout with self-hatred. Everyday she encounters racism, not just from white people, but mostly from her own race. In their eyes she is much too dark, and the darkness of her skin somehow implies that she is inferior, and according to everyone else, her skin makes her even "uglier." She feels she can overcome this battle of self-hatred by obtaining blue eyes, but not just any blue. She wants the bluest eye. Morrison is able to use her critical eye to reveal to the reader the evil that is caused by a society that is indoctrinated by the inherent goodness and beauty of whiteness and the ugliness of blackness. She uses many different writing tools to depict how "white" beliefs have dominated American and African American culture. The narrative structure of The Bluest Eye is important in revealing just how pervasive and destructive social racism is. Narration in novel comes from several sources. Much of the narration comes from Claudia MacTeer as a nine year old child, but Morrison also gives the reader the insight of Claudia reflecting on the story as an adult, some first person narration from Pecola's mother, and narration by Morrison herself as an omniscient narrator. Pecola's experiences would have less meaning coming from Pecola herself because a total and complete victim would be an unreliable narrator, unwilling or unable to relate the actual circumstances of that year. Claudia, from her youthful innocence, is able to see and relate how the other characters, especially Pecola, idolize the "ideal" of beauty presented by white, blue-eyed movie stars like little Shirley Temple. In addition to narrative structure, the structure and composition of the novel itself help to illustrate how much and for how long white ideas of family and home have been forced into black culture. Instead of conventional chapters and sections, The Bluest Eye is broken up into seasons, fall, winter, spring, and summer. This type of organization suggests that the events described in The Bluest Eye have occurred before, and will occur again. This kind of cycle suggests that there is notion that there is no escape from the cycle of life that Breedloves and MacTeer live in.

Privacy Rights and Social Media Essay -- Twitter, Facebook, Instagram,

A person’s right to privacy is being challenged with the high use of social media such as Facebook and Twitter. What used to be considered part of your personal life is not so personal anymore. When one chooses to share details about ones-self to their friends via a social media, they are not always thinking about the â€Å"other† people. The other people could be ones current boss or future employer. Other people could be a school official, your baseball coach, your friends’ mother; you name it the list goes on and on. Recently, a few employers or perspective employers have requested Facebook and other social network log-in information. It is probably a violation of equal employment laws, and there are two senators investigating the practice of requiring job applicants and employees to provide their social network log-in information as a condition of employment. Most of us feel that what we do outside of work or school is our personal life and should have no bearing on our professional/business life. Being on a sports team during high school, we were told on many occasions to not bring outside problems or issues to practice with us. In a sense, now looking back, the coach was respecting our privacy. She did not want to know that one’s cell phone bill is over two hundred dollars and their mother is going to be very angry when she sees it, or that one had an argument with their boyfriend twenty minutes before leaving for practice. She was allowing us to keep our personal life separate from our sports life. Ms. Galutz, color guard instructor, would refer to this practice as â€Å"checking your baggage at the door,† It does not mean they were not looking at what you were doing outside of our practice times, it just meant to not let it aff... ... a future employer would perceive what they see. Protect your own right to privacy and limit what you allow to be public information. Reducing your friends list may help protect you, too. If you know a certain group of friends that are the weekend party people, then maybe they need to be just your friends and not your Facebook friends. Hopefully, in the near future, there will be some legislation passed to protect our privacy rights but even then remember you are the best defense against any personal information that may cause damage to yourself. Works Cited News, WKTV. WKTV News Channel. 14 February 2012. . Press, Associated. US. News. 26 July 2006. .

Friday, July 19, 2019

progressive america :: essays research papers

Progressive America? The early 1900’s can also be referred as the progressive movement because of the many reforms and improvements that occurred during the era. 2005 is much like the earlier progressive movements and can be classified as a progressive era. 3 out of the 4 goals of progressivism are being practiced during the 21st century. Social welfare, economic reform, and moral improvements are still being practiced to try to improve the quality and fairness of life in the U.S. Social welfare improvements are occurring right now to try and better our country as a whole. Bush’s new plan calls for standardized testing and education reforms to try and improve literacy in the U.S. much like during the 1900’s when woman’s groups were fighting for better education standards in schools. In fact standardized testing was first suggested in the early 1900’s to try and improve schools. Many in the 1900’s were advocates for child protection such as Florence Kelly who helped establish child labor laws and set up schools. In the progressive period we first saw the salvation army and attempts to try and improve living conditions for many Americans, groups like the YMCA help build safe communities to keep kids out of trouble. In 2005 Bush recently tried to improve poverty by modernizing social security to keep retirees from going broke. Bush also plans to update Medicare provide tax relief to those who need it. Just like in the early 1900 ’s aid groups are on the rise and have broadened there boundaries to help more people (doctors without borders, red cross, operation smile). During the era we witnessed a climb in the birth of many of these groups but in 2005 we are seeing a rapid increase in the number of non-profit organizations much like those simpler ones we saw in the past. The need to keep children safe has also sprung to life again as it did in the progressive era the need for children to â€Å"stay of the streets† as fueled many people to open/found teen centers and other hangouts where kids can be under adult supervision. Economic reform was and is very important to the survival of this country during the progressive period and directly indicates that 2005 is a progressive era. During the progressive era economic improvements was basically just revealing corrupt companies and trying to give the workers more rights and powers.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Retail Analysis Mcdonalds

Table of Contents Executive Summary3 Introduction5 Explain about the retail store6 Explain why you have chosen this retail store7 Explain about your scenario as a mystery shopper and what you did at the outlet8 Describe the retail store’s customer service with your knowledge of Pet Peeves and 14 factors of company culture. 10 Suggest some solutions to improve the retail store’s customer service14 Conclusion15 Executive Summary Acting as a â€Å"mystery shopperâ€Å" we have evaluated one of the McDonalds’ retail shops. We have chosen a McDonalds retail shop by reason of its obvious success.McDonalds has got a yearly profit of approximately 5. 5 billion USD by trading with fast-food. Our evaluation shows us there is one certain reason of its success: Constancy! Customers know what they get at McDonalds, wherever they are in the world and apparently they appreciate this constancy. Nonetheless there are some obvious Pet Peeves, which are related to the three level s of factors of a company culture. Level one describes what you obviously feel, see and hear. Level 2 is about the communication between employee and customer. Level three contains factors that are not obvious but ake us like McDonalds subconsciously, is very tough to find in our outlet. Regarding these Pet peeves and the factors of company culture we come up with three different suggestions to improve the retail store’s customer service. 1. The company can become more ecological, by producing less rubbish. Especially in order to enhance its reputation. 2. Friendlier and politer staff 3. Achieving a nicer environment in its outlets Regarding its success it seems quite unnecessary to make some changes, but in order to keep the company’s customer service competitive little changes are recommendable.Introduction McDonalds. The company is already one of the most successful companies in the world and still growing. The main product the company sells is fast-food. How is thi s possible? How can a company, that is selling fast food, be this successful? What is the secret of its success? We threw ourselves into one of its outlets and experienced the secrets and services of McDonalds. In our following assignment we will explain about our scenario as a mystery shopper, we will describe and debate the retail store’s customer service, considering the factors of company culture.Finally we will suggest some solutions to improve the retail store’s customer service and make a conclusion of our results. Explain about the retail store â€Å"McDonald's is the leading global foodservice retailer with more than 33,500 local restaurants worldwide and 1,7million employees, serving nearly 68 million people in 119 countries each day. † (McDonalds) So far, McDonald's in China employs more than 1000 restaurants, the 2013 restaurant number is expected to reach 2000. The company began in 1940 as a barbecue restaurant operated by Richard and Maurice McDona ld in San Bernardino, California. Wikipedia, 2012) McDonalds’ total profit of the year 2011 was approximately 5,5billion USD (finanzen. net). Explain why you have chosen this retail store McDonalds is one of the most popular fast-food chain companies in the world. You’ll find McDonalds in every little city, in every crowded Shopping Mall. It surely is a very famous and successful company (Llopis, 2011) And this makes it interesting. How can a company that â€Å"just† trades with fast-food be this successful? How can you achieve a yearly profit of 5,5billion USD by trading with Burgers?Apparently McDonalds has got a successful marketing and sales concept, which makes the company very interesting to write an assignment about, considering the roots of its success, debating about its ways to make me purchase again, although it obviously has got some â€Å"Pet peeves†. Explain about your scenario as a mystery shopper and what you did at the outlet It is Sunday afternoon, 4 o’clock when I enter the McDonalds restaurant. It’s not a typical dinner time; consequently the restaurant is not crowded. Nevertheless most of the many tables are covered, and there is a small line n front of the area, where you place the order. On the first view the restaurant seems very clean and you notice a strong smell of food and loud background music. As soon as I enter the outlet, i notice a various number of employees. 4 employees take the order, another 4 employees collect the order together, and approximately 3 employees are responsible of clearing up tables. Additionally there is a bunch of employees cooking and preparing the food, and a couple of employees cleaning the sanitary fittings. It is impossible to give an exact number of employees, but there is definitely a huge amount of workers.Furthermore the employees wear a uniform. The greeting is short and not remarkable friendly, the employee makes the impression that he is pushing me to or der as soon and as fast as possible. You find a big, easy watching menu board behind the back of the Seller, which makes it easy to find a suitable product. Consequently the employee won’t ask questions to find a suitable product, he or she only asks for an upgrade for bigger fries and beverages. Anyway I have to order on my own initiative. Finally I pay for my dish, without getting a student discount and find myself in another line, waiting for the food.After I have got my food I start looking for a table, which I find at the very end of the restaurant. It’s a nice place in front of a big window. Later I’ll figure out that the chairs are quite uncomfortable, but the first impression is good though. While having a suit I notice that my table is still dirty, so I have to wipe down the table by myself. Unfortunately my burger has become cold, which is an opportunity to ask an employee for an exchange. The employee surprisingly shows me a lot of understanding and e xchanges the burger immediately. The new burger is surely satisfying.There is one remarkable point I must mention. The taste of the food is exactly the same taste as all the other times I had been at McDonalds; it doesn’t matter in which country or in which city. At the same time I notice that the interior is also pretty much the same. After we finished our food we found ourselves in front of a big bunch of waste, although we have just eaten two burgers and two medium-sized fries. Finally we left, without clearing up the table. Leaving the outlet is not commented by the staff. In summary it can be said, that the restaurant: †¢ Is basically clean Has got the same interior everywhere †¢ Strong smell of food †¢ Noisy †¢ Employees wear uniforms †¢ Seats are not very comfortable Describe the retail store’s customer service with your knowledge of Pet Peeves and 14 factors of company culture. At first I’d like to mention some so called â€Å"P et Peeves†, that are obviously disturbing and noticeable as soon as you enter the McDonalds outlet: †¢ Tense and noisy environment †¢ Disturbing sounds coming from the kitchen †¢ Unfriendly/ impolite employees that seem very impatient while you are ordering After we ordered and picked up our food we noticed some further â€Å"Pet Peeves†: Left tables are not cleared up and wiped down by employees(dirty tables †¢ Cold food †¢ Uncomfortable seats †¢ One dish creates a big amount of rubbish Considering the factors of company culture in order to evaluate the performance of this particular outlet, I? d like to difference the company culture into three levels (Tobias Amely, 2009) This three level model is invented by Edgar Schein. The information below are based on the Internet page Wikipedia. org. At the first and most cursory level of Schein's model is organizational attributes that can be seen, felt and heard by the uninitiated observer â€⠀œ collectively known as artifacts.Included are the facilities, offices, furnishings, visible awards and recognition, the way that its members dress, how each person visibly interacts with each other and with organizational outsiders, and even company slogans, mission statements and other operational creeds. The next level deals with the professed culture of an organization's members – the values. Shared values are individuals’ preferences regarding certain aspects of the organization’s culture (e. g. loyalty, customer service). At this level, local and personal values are widely expressed within the organization.Basic beliefs and assumptions include individuals' impressions about the trustworthiness and supportiveness of an organization, and are often deeply ingrained within the organization’s culture. Organizational behavior at this level usually can be studied by interviewing the organization's membership and using questionnaires to gather attitudes ab out organizational membership. At the third and deepest level, the organization's tacit assumptions are found. These are the elements of culture that are unseen and not cognitively identified in everyday interactions between organizational members.Additionally, these are the elements of culture which are often taboo to discuss inside the organization. Many of these ‘unspoken rules' exist without the conscious knowledge of the membership. Those with sufficient experience to understand this deepest level of organizational culture usually become acclimatized to its attributes over time, thus reinforcing the invisibility of their existence. Surveys and casual interviews with organizational members cannot draw out these attributes—rather much more in-depth means is required to first identify then understand organizational culture at this level.Notably, culture at this level is the underlying and driving element often missed by organizational behaviorists. (Wikipedia, 2012) R elated to level one, the â€Å"obvious† level which determines what you hear, see and feel: †¢ McDonalds has got the same interior in every restaurant †¢ the staff is wearing the same uniforms †¢ it always smells in the same way †¢ you have got the same products all over the world †¢ menu board format is the same and easy to understand †¢ you can see the McDonalds â€Å"M† symbol everywhere in the outlet †¢ Loud music in the background †¢ Rather young people and kids †¢ People eat alone without feeling awkward All parts of the McDonalds â€Å"sales areas† are constant all over the world. People know what they get and they appreciate it. They consider McDonalds as a clean, trustworthy fast-food restaurant. The second level is about the communication between employee and customer. †¢ Less communication; the communication is restricted to the order process †¢ In case of a complaint about food, the employee exch anges the product instantly †¢ Not remarkable polite, no advices †¢ The leaving is not commented The third level, which contains factors that are not obvious but make us like McDonalds subconsciously, is very tough to find in our outlet.Some factors might be: †¢ The speed of taking the order and getting the food †¢ The noises which make us hurry up(we are not supposed to feel comfortable and stay for a long time †¢ constancy The secret of McDonalds’ success is clearly the constancy. Wherever you are, you’ll find the same food, the same service. Humans apparently like and need constancy as a factor of safety and subconsciously McDonalds gives us this feeling. Suggest some solutions to improve the retail store’s customer service Shortly after entering the restaurant I noticed a various amount of Pet Peeves. Consequently our suggestions are based on at the beginning ofQuestion 4 mentioned Pet Peeves. At this point we have to make clear that it is hard to improve an outlet of a company, which is one of the most successful companies in the world. As a result solutions have to be considered as a subjective suggestion. Our first suggestion is based on an environmental aspect. In times of global warming and increasing pollution it is important to provide ecological products. One part of it is avoiding a lot of rubbish. As mentioned McDonalds is producing a lot of rubbish, so one improvement might be less production of waste, which is also recommendable for the company’s reputation.Another improvement can be trainings of employees to assure polite and patient staff, because this is definitely a negative aspect of our observations. Finally we can highly recommend to get rid of all these annoying sounds coming out of the kitchen. This can lead to a more relaxing environment, which is even recommendable for a fast-food chain company. Conclusion At the beginning of our assignment, we asked the question why a company that is selling fast-food can be this successful, although they are just selling fast-food. The explanation for its success is short and easy: constancy!Wherever you are in the world, McDonalds provides you the well-known and expected food. This constancy makes us purchase subconsciously. By examining a McDonald’s outlet as a â€Å"mystery shopper† we noticed a lot of pet peeves, which mostly lead to a tense feeling. But, at this point I have to make clear that these factors are not very obvious. We got used to them and accept them by keeping on purchasing at McDonalds Nevertheless there are some points which can be improved. 1. The company can become more ecological, by producing less rubbish.Especially in order to enhance its reputation. 2. Friendlier and politer staff 3. Achieving a nicer environment in its outlets If McDonalds can achieve these goals they will most likely stay as successful as they are. Customers don’t go to McDonalds because of its customer ser vice, but McDonalds should be aware of the fact that customers also might not come because of the customer service. Consequently little changes and improvements in customer service can be useful and should be considered in the near future. Bibliography Wikipedia. (2012, 08 24). Retrieved from http://en. ikipedia. org/wiki/McDonald%27s Wikipedia. (2012). Von wikipedia. org: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Organizational_culture abgerufen finanzen. net. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://www. finanzen. net/bilanz_guv/McDonalds Llopis, G. (2011, 12 9). Forbes. Retrieved from http://www. forbes. com/sites/glennllopis/2011/09/12/the-most-successful-companies-embrace-the-promise-of-their-culture/ McDonalds. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://www. aboutmcdonalds. com: http://www. aboutmcdonalds. com/mcd/our_company. html Tobias Amely, T. K. (2009). BWL fur Dummies. Weinheim: Wiley.