Monday, September 30, 2019

Chick Growth Enhancer Essay

ABSTRACT The study is entitled â€Å"Aloe Vera as Chick Growth Enhancer†. Specifically, it sought to find out the efficacy of Aloe Vera as a growth enhancer in broiler chicks. The study aims to produce a low-priced but high quality growth enhancer by using Aloe Vera as a main component. Twenty-one day old straight run broiler chicks were used in the study and were distributed to a cage with a dimension of (33 x 57). The cage was further subdivided into two cages for the different treatments with two birds per cage. Fresh leaves of Aloe Vera were then extracted, 5ml per liter of water. Feeding troughs and waters were also provided for each cage. The set up was composed of experimental and control group. The experimental group was being provided with water containing the Aloe Vera gel. In the other hand, the control group was being provided with only pure water. Data were collected to gather relevant information. The results obtained regarding performance of the broilers showed that Aloe Vera gel groups brought about higher body weight gain, growth, quality of feathers and immune system compared to the control group. From the investigation, the researchers would like to recommend this study to the people of the poultry business who would pursue the Aloe Vera as Chick Growth Enhancer to improve the performance of broiler chicks. Also, further research should be made especially on the right amounts of Aloe Vera in water to achieve a better mixture and produce a better product. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This study would have been impossible without the support and encouragement of many individuals who have given their time, efforts and advice to this study: Mr. Ronel Deloso, their adviser, for having encouraged the researchers to pursue this project, having assisted them in the process of their experiment and for having shared his knowledge in writing this study; Their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rony Vasquez, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Ong, and Mr. Malvin Tan and Mrs. Mildred Nakila for the financial and moral support and for believing in them in all their endeavors; also to their friends, classmates and teachers for motivating them to continue this study; Their brothers, Gabrielle, Keith and Joshua for endlessly inspiring them and for offering their help, regardless if it’s big or small; Mr. Raffy K. Fortun, for assisting them in taking care of the chicks and for providing the cages needed for the experiment, for sharing them his expertise and for his suggestions and recommendations to improve the study; Mr. Glenn R. Galendez, for his undying support and faith in them that they were capable of accomplishing this study; and To Almighty God for the wisdom and perseverance that He has bestowed upon them and for endlessly showering them with blessings of strength and confidence to finish this study. CHAPTER I Broiler production is regarded to be one of the biggest and most progressive animal enterprises in the Philippines today. It represents 85 percent of poultry meat that Filipinos consume. As human population increases, the demand for poultry and poultry by products continue to rise. It is therefore advisable to source alternative ways to enhance and hasten animal’s growth. Aloe Vera is found helpful to this cause because it contains vitamins and minerals essential to improve the growth of broiler chicks. In this study, Aloe Vera is used as a growth enhancer substitute. Background of the Study Chicks are young chickens. They require special brooding and temperatures, as well as unique feed and care until they reach a more self-sufficient age. Furthermore, there is a high demand of chickens in the world not only in the Philippines but in the entire world. â€Å"Poultry production is considered one of the most common and very promising agricultural enterprises especially for low income farm families.† It offers several advantages to the raisers. Vitamins A, B and vitamin E, among other vitamins and minerals, are needed by chicks to grow. Aloe Vera is a house plant which comes from the family of lily. It is native to the eastern and southern part of Africa but it has spread throughout many of the warmer regions of the world like the Philippines. Physically, it is a short-stemmed plant that could grow from 80 to 100 cm tall, spreading by offsets and root sprouts. The leaves are lanceolate, thick and fleshy with thorny edges and with color ranging from deep green to grey - green. â€Å"Aloe vera is rich in vitamins and minerals. Specific vitamins include: Vitamin A (Beta-Carotene), Vitamin B1 (Thiamine), Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine), Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Choline, and Folic Acid. The vitamins A, C, and E are responsible for the aloe’s antioxidant activity while vitamin B and choline are involved in amino acid metabolism and vitamin B12 is required for the production and development of blood cells. Among the important minerals found in Aloe Vera are: calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorous,  sodium, and zinc. These minerals are essential for good health and are known to work in synergistic combinations with each other, with vitamins and other trace elements.† Objective of the Study This investigatory project primarily aims to test the efficacy of Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis miller) as a substitute growth enhancer in chicks. More specifically, the study espouses the following objectives: 1. To determine if there is a difference in: a. weight b. growth c. feathers d. immune system Scope and Limitation The study will be conducted at a small poultry farm where the chicks will be observed for 21 days. Fresh leaves of Aloe Vera will serve as the source of extract that will be used in this study. The sample will be freshly collected before extracting. The study focuses on how Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis miller) leaves extract give potential as a substitute growth enhancer in chicks. Significance of the Study The study would answer the effectiveness of Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis miller) as Chick Growth Enhancer. The result of this study will provide information not only to the researchers but also to the people of the poultry business. CHAPTER II Review of Related Literature Lorenzo said that Aloe Vera leaf extract contains nutrients which enhance the growth of animals and even boost their immunity ( Chung (2003) stated that vitamins must be present in sufficient quantities in the diet to ensure efficient utilization of carbohydrates, protein, fats, minerals, and water for health and maintenance and production function such as growth development and reproduction. Poultry Raising Guide (1975) cited that in the presence of stressful condition like the movement of the birds,  the presence of infection, sudden change of weather and feeding practices, vaccination, deworming and debeaking birds need to be supplemented with vitamins. Aloe gel contains substances known as glycoproteins and polysaccharides. Glycoproteins speed the healing process by stopping pain and inflammation, while polysaccharides stimulate skin growth and repair. These substances may also stimulate the immune system. This is according to University of Maryland (2013) Bejar and Colapo (2005) said that Aside from vitamins and minerals, aloe vera is rich with enzymes (help the breakdown of food sugars and fats), hormones (aid in healing and anti-inflammatory activities), sugars (i.e. glucose and fructose that provide anti-inflammatory activity), anthraquinones or phenolic compounds (aid absorption from gastro-intestinal tract and have antimicrobial and pain killing effects), lignin (increases the blood circulation), saponins (provide cleansing and antiseptic activity), sterols (antiseptic and analgesic), amino acids (basic building blocks of proteins in the production of muscle tissue), and salicylic acid (works as a pain killer).† Olupona et al. (2010) reported that Aloe Vera gel added to water (15, 20, 25 and 30 cm3/dm3) resulted in significant final body weight gain as well as in weekly body weight gain compared to control group. Several studies have shown antimicrobial properties of herb extracts (Cowan, 1999; Hammer et al., 1999) which can improve intestinal microflora population and enhance health in birds’ digestive systems through reduction in number of disease-making bacteria (Mitsch et al., 2004). Intestinal health is of great importance in poultry for improved performance and reduced feed conversion ratio (Montagne et al., 2003). Previous studies discovered different properties of Aloe Vera gel, including wound healing, anti-parasitic, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties (Boudreau and Beland, 2006; Reynolds and Dweck, 1999). CHAPTER III Methodology A total of twenty-one (21) day old straight run broiler chicks were used in the study and were distributed to a cage with a dimension of (57 x 33). The cage was further subdivided into two (2) cages for the different treatments with two (2) birds per cage. 3 days prior to the arrival of the chicks the  cages were prepared thoroughly and provided with electric bulb as heaters up to 3 weeks 21 days of age and until their feathers were fully developed. Fresh leaves of Aloe Vera were then extracted, 5ml per liter of water. Feeding troughs containing chick pellets and waterers were provided for each cage. The set up was composed of experimental and control group. The experimental group was being provided with water containing the Aloe Vera gel. On the other hand, the control group was being provided with only pure water. The observations in weight, growth, feathers and immune system was made weekly by the researchers. A digital weighing scale was used to measure the weight while a tape measure was used to determine the growth. The chicks were observed as starters (4-10 days), growers (10-15 days), and finishers (15-21) days. However, the final observations were made at the total experiment period. CHAPTER IV Results and Discussion Table 1 presents the results on the experiments on body weight gain. As seen in the table, the larger body weight gain was observed in the Aloe Vera group in the starter, grower and finisher, as well as the total experiment period. In the starter period, significant increase in body weight gain was observed in the both the Aloe Vera and control groups. However, in the grower and finisher periods, the larger body weight gain was observed in the Aloe Vera group compared to the control group. Finally, the results on body weight gain in the total period (day 21) showed a significant difference among the Aloe Vera and control group. In addition, the Aloe Vera gel groups experienced enhanced body weight gain compared to the control group. The results of the experiments on growth are shown in Table 2. Here, the Aloe Vera group showed higher level of growth in broilers. During the starter period both groups had the same measure of height in centimeters. Significant differences were observed in the grower and finisher periods that Aloe Vera indeed has an effect in the growth of broilers. Table 3 shows the results of treatments on feathers in broilers. As shown in the table, there was a significant difference observed between the two  groups. In the starter and grower periods, both groups had the same quality and color of feathers. It was observed however; in the finisher periods the control group had pale-looking feathers while the Aloe Vera group had a golden yellow color. The differences on immune system are presented in Table 4. During the starter period, there was no significant difference between the two groups. However, the stronger immune system was observed in the Aloe Vera group in the grower and finisher periods compared to the control group, which showed minor cases of skin lesions in the body. Table 1 (Weight) Starter Grower Finisher Total Experiment Period Aloe group 100 g 148.3 g 175 g 200 g Control group 100 g 145 g 170.5 g 160 g Table 2 (Growth) Starter Grower Finisher Total Experiment Period Aloe group 8 cm 12 cm 15 cm 18 cm Control group 8 cm 10.5 cm 13 cm 16 cm Table 3 (feathers) Starter Grower Finisher Total Experiment Period Aloe group Yellowish, Dry and fluffy Feathers are clean and yellowish, covers the entire body Yellowish, fluffy feathers Golden-yellow, healthy feathers Control group Yellowish, Dry and fluffy Signs of bald patches Visible bald patches Pale yellow, with bald patches Table 4 (Immune System) Starter Grower Finisher Total Experiment Period Aloe group Healthy No diseases Little skin lesions Healthy Control group Healthy Skin lesions begin to appear Skin lesions have spread Lack of nourishment CHAPTER V Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation Summary The study is entitled â€Å"Aloe Vera as Chick Growth Enhancer†. It focused on making a low priced but high quality growth enhancer in broiler chicks. It was conducted for the main purpose of evaluating and comparing the quality of Aloe Vera as a growth enhancer in terms of body weight gain, growth, feathers, and immune system. A total of twenty-one (21) day old straight run broiler chicks were used in the study and were distributed to a cage with a dimension of (57 x 33). The cage was further subdivided into two (2) cages for the different treatments with two (2) birds per cage. 3 days prior to the arrival of the chicks the cages were prepared thoroughly and provided with electric bulb as heaters up to 3 weeks 21 days of age and until their feathers were fully developed. Fresh leaves of Aloe Vera were then extracted, 5ml per liter of water. Feeding troughs containing chick pellets and waterers were provided for each cage. The set up was composed of experimental and control group. The experimental group was being provided with water containing the Aloe Vera gel. On the other hand, the control group was being provided with only pure water. The observations in weight, growth, feathers and immune system was made weekly by the researchers. . A digital weighing scale was used to measure the weight while a tape measure was used to determine the growth. The chicks were observed as starters (4-10 days), growers (10-15 days), and finishers (15-21) days. The results obtained regarding performance of the broilers showed that Aloe Vera gel groups brought about higher body weight  gain, growth, quality of feathers and immune system compared to the control group. The differences were then illustrated in a table. From the investigation, the researchers would like to recommend this study to the people of the poultry business who would pursue the Aloe Vera as Chick Growth Enhancer to improve the performance of broiler chicks. Also, further research should be made especially on the right amounts of Aloe Vera in water to achieve a better mixture and produce a better product. Conclusion Finally, it can be concluded that the group treated by Aloe Vera gel showed better performance compared to the control group. Furthermore, among the two groups, the Aloe Vera group experienced higher level of body weight gain, growth, quality of feathers, and immune system. Recommendation From the investigation, the researchers would like to recommend this study to the people of the poultry business who would pursue the Aloe Vera as Chick Growth Enhancer to improve the performance of broiler chicks. Also, further research should be made especially on the right amounts of Aloe Vera in water to achieve a better mixture and produce a better product. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bejar, Feliciano R.; Colapo, Remedies P. (2005) Growth Performance and Sensory Evaluation of Broilers Supplemented with Aloe Vera ( Aloe barbadensis miller) Extract in Drinking Water. Boudreau, M.D., Beland, F. A., 2006. An evaluation of the biological and toxicological properties of Aloe barbadensis (miller), Aloe vera. J. Environ. Sci. Heal. C 24:103-154. Cowan, M.M., 1999. Plant products as antimicrobial agents. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 12: 564-582. Darabighane, Babak (2011) Effects of different levels of Aloe vera gel as an alternative to antibiotic on performance and ileum morphology in broilers. Italian Journal of Animal Science. Licensee PAGEPress, Italy Vol 10, No 3 [eISSN 1828-051X] Dela Cruz, Rita T. (2006) Extracts from Aloe: Not Only a natural Healer also a Poultry Growth Enhancer. BAR Digest. Vol. 8 No. 2. Hammer, K.A., Carson, C.F., Riley, T.V., 1999. Antimicrobial activity of essential oils and other plants extracts. J. Appl. Microbiol. 86:985-990. Ehrlich, Steven D. (201 3) Aloe Medical Reference Guide. University of Maryland Medical System. MD 21201 Lorenzo, Elias (unknown) Aloe Vera Found Beneficial to Poultry. Davao Agri Biz. Mitsch, P. (2004). The effect of two different blends of essential oil components on the proliferation of Clostridium perfringens in the intestines of broiler chickens. Poultry Sci. 83:669-675. Montagne, L. (2003) A review of interactions between dietary ï ¬ bre and the intestinalmucosa, and their consequences on digestive health in young non-ruminant animals. Anim. Feed Sci. Tech. 108:95-117. Olupona, J.A. Effect of Aloe Vera Juice Application Through Drinking Water on Performance pp 42-43 in Proc. Reynolds, T., Dweck, A.C., (1999). Aloe vera leaf gel: a review update. J. Ethnopharmacol. 68:3-37.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Sample Personal Statement

Sample Personal Statement for Architecture People once asked me: â€Å"Why did you choose architecture? † I couldn’t give a simple answer for that. Maybe it was because I like painting and construction since childhood. I also earnestly yearn to create beautiful things on my own and architecture can satisfy my imagination in space, materials, and color. My born interest in this sector is also because of my parents, who are both structural engineer and electrical engineer, influencing me gradually and unconsciously since I was a kid and giving me perceptual knowledge in the field.After my five-year study in the Department of Architecture, and one-year work experience in architectural design, I ask myself this same question. The result is that aside from the factors mentioned above, what really makes me choose architecture is its intrinsic appeal, which is just like the maxim written inside the building of the Department of Architecture: â€Å"Architecture is the combinat ion of art and technology. † Perhaps when a person is engaged in what his keen interest blossoms, he will never feel tired, instead he would feel motivated and have an enriching experience.Five years' academic study in the School of Architecture and Arts of University of XX transformed my instinctive excitement and imagination about architecture into systematic knowledge and comprehensive understanding. This transformation, first of all, lies in my skills in the fine arts. Differing from my previous mere interest in fine arts, the study of architecture makes me begin to ponder on how to draw using aesthetic elements from fine arts such as color, lighting and composition to apply to architecture. I was so dedicated to such brainstorming and imagination that I would always work around the clock in the studio for days on end.Secondly, the study of basic architectural courses, such as architectural structure, mechanics and materials science, makes me realize that architecture not only gives importance on aesthetics, but also on the more essential functionality and practicality. In that process, I realized that architecture is not only an art, but also more importantly a sort of technology. Five years of college study gives me a deeper comprehension of architecture, that is, architecture is also part of other cultures – it is subject to other cultures' influence, and at the same time it influences other cultures.Because of my childhood architectural background, coupled with my lasting keen interest in architecture, I gained excellent achievements in the major courses of my college study, ranked top three in the class, and also received first prize scholarships and many other scholarships for five consecutive years. Besides, owing to my understanding of architecture, I am not satisfied with mere textbook knowledge. I believe architecture is not only a skill but also, more importantly, a combination of creativity and imagination.An excellent architecture designer needs not only solid architectural skills and knowledge, but also needs nourishment from fine arts, materials science, engineering and culture. For that purpose, I read quite extensively, understood the architectural history of different countries – especially European architectural history, learnt from works of modern and contemporary architectural masterpieces, and gained insights on their design conceptions that are full of creativity and connotation. The knowledge I have gained from these efforts heightens my interests and my desire for creation.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Melton A. McLaurin's book Celia, A Slave Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Melton A. McLaurin's book Celia, A Slave - Essay Example â€Å"Quit the old man† (McLaurin 30) her boyfriend encourages Celia, but she is in a dilemma because she knows either way she will still lose him and endanger her life. 3. What did Celia have in common with Robert Newsom’s daughters Virginia Waynescot and Mary Newsom? During the period of slavery, all women were the weaker sex and were made to subdue to men’s ways. In this regard, Robert Newsom’s daughters, Virginia Waynescot and Mary Newsom were not equal to their father in terms of advocating for issues. Similar to Celia they also depended on their father on food, shelter and they little rights he would accord to them. Due to this experience Celia and the master’s daughters seem to share a bond of oppression. A relationship based on moral comfort and mutual understanding in isolation. Celia pleaded with them to talk with their father on her behalf and they seem to agree but, it is not known whether they did so, but the sexual demand continued. 4. Why did Celia go on trial? It would not have been surprising if Celia had been declared guilty by a judge and executed without a trial. Celia had to be taken to trial just as a formality so that she could get a hearing just like everyone else. This had been due to the political struggle that was apparent in the neighboring state of Kansas (McLaurin 46). There was a voting process that was taking place on whether to include the state into the union as a free nation or a pro slave state. This process also included the slavery supporters and freedom supporters in a bid to try and sway the votes on their side and as such, divided the country. This sort of division threatened in Missouri if care was not taken in punishing slave wrong doers and as such Celia was taken to trial. 5. How could Celia be â€Å"morally innocent of murder†? In trying to give Celia a fair trial, the judge presiding over her case appointed three supremely competent attorneys to her defense which were chose n on the basis that they were neutral on the issues on slavery. The attorneys in their defense tried to prove that Celia was not guilty of the murder. To their defense, they brought up the issue of sexual abuse between Cecile and her then master. This was to indicate that she committed the act of murder in order wade off the master’s sexual advancements that left her in a lot of pain both physically and mentally. This is also true due to the fact that as a slave, she had been raped for years, and this justified her intent to hurt the master to protect herself (McLaurin 43). Unfortunately in trying to hurt him, she killed him; it was all in self defense. 2. Could a slave master trespass on his own property? How an innocent verdict would have struck a â€Å"devastating blow to the authority of Slave-owners† and set a controversial legal precedent Celia’s trial of guilt or innocence in the case against the state for the murder of her master was of keen interest to the majority of the society. The slave owners were particularly concerned with this due to the fact that it would spell out their rights. Most of people were aware of the existence of sexual offenses towards slaves, but no one talked about it probably because they viewed it as the right of the owner on his/her property (McLaurin 67). This meant that they owned the

Friday, September 27, 2019

School Counselor Self Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

School Counselor Self Assessment - Essay Example Much attention though is directed to students with special needs as they will require special attention, like special education, services while in school and assessment which is essential to their management and treatment. School Counselors Counselors work in different society settings and are intended to provide various counseling services and support. Counselors are majorly given the challenge with adolescents, children, and adults and families with various issues like health regarding mental state namely addiction and other mental disorders. Counselors must identify the various issues so that they can offer the suitable counseling and support to their clients. School counselors should at all level assist students to know how to deal with their social problems, their actions and how to manage personal problems (Trolley et al., 2009). Counselors put emphasis on preventive measures in counseling so that students enhance their academic, social and personal growth and this offers these students with skills they need in life so that they can manage their troubles before they come to the worse. The student counselors also provide services that are unique like offering programs on prevention of alcohol and drugs. They identify domestic cases like abuse and other problems revolving in the family which may interfere with the development of the student. Their interaction with students can be done at an individual level, manageable groups or even the whole class. For the success of the students, the counselors discuss with parents and work together with them so that support is given to students. They also collaborate with the administrators of the school, medical workers, psychologists and social staff. A good counselor must have a strong personal attitude whereby he must know how to relate with different people because people are not equal and; therefore, he must be able to accommodate different people with patience. This will depend on his interpersonal skills whereby people should be handled as individual and not as a group (Trolley et al., 2009). Special Education Special education is a preventative intended to manage small troubles from being a disability. The remedy used is intended to reduce the disability effects. Special education is intended to congregate the distinctive needs of children who have a disability. Through this, special education offers extra services, maintenance, programs, environments and places that are special so that all the needs for students are taken care of. The services offered in special education make students qualify while parents do not feel any cost. The number of students who have special needs is many, and their wishes are addressed via special education. The support varies on the basis of the need and the educational influence. Typically, the students with disabilities are recognized in the law within the special education. Students who qualify in this category require a lot of support, which extends beyon d what a normal student is offered in a regular school (Smith and Tyler, 2010). The special education has a goal of ensuring that students with special needs obtain education and get accessed to the curriculum as much as possible. All students, therefore, are required to access education so that they can manage to achieve their potential. If a child is suspected to be in need of exceptional education support, then the school exceptional educa

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Potential Role of The Yuan as the New Reserve Currency Essay

Potential Role of The Yuan as the New Reserve Currency - Essay Example These are large economic base, political stability, and a low rate of inflation (IMF, WB & World Bank Group, 2009). It should also be backed by a joint international monetary authority that is capable of asserting compliance among its member states, which must in turn comprise a significant number of nations in the world (Finance and Development, 2009). The currency must be sellable or tradable without limitation (Levine, 2009). Since the currency is supposed to be, according to Levine, a â€Å"safe haven† for other currencies, they should be able to have access to huge sums of it without restriction. This is because inadequate reserves of the currency would compromise the ability of that country to trade in that currency or participate in international transactions denominated in it. The international currency’s home economic and political systems must also be stable enough and fundamentally sound to support international transactions among countries. In order to engen der confidence in the reserve currency, the valuation of said currency must be transparent to all for them to consider holding that currency in significant quantities. Because the determination of value is for the most part subjective, the matter of the country’s governance may not be concealed from the world, and therefore the political ideology of the country must be supportive of full disclosure (Cohen, 2007). Recent developments that triggered the search for a substitute It has already been mentioned that the large current account deficit and huge public debt of the United States are primarily responsible for the weakness of the dollar as the primary medium of exchange. Ordinarily,...This paper presents a comprehensive analysis, that aims to determine whether or not the renminbi would provide a real substitute for the dollar as principal international reserve currency within the next ten years, and whether such a substitution will stabilize the global currency market and prevent further recurrences of financial crises as the world had experienced in the past. The international reserve currency performs three vital functions of money – that is, as medium of exchange, as unit of account, and as store of value. There are many reasons for the yuan to be considered as a possible alternative, the most important of which is its position as the top trading country in the world. It has amassed some 3 trillion dollars worth of international reserves, two-thirds of which is in U.S. dollars, thus this country is capable of exerting economic pressure on the U. S. Yearly it experiences record current account surpluses, compared to the U.S.’s accumulating current account deficit and public debt. Despite these positive factors, there are also serious concerns. China’s financial markets are still highly restricted, and its currency is still unable to trade in open market, let alone be freely converted into other currencies. Other than currency concerns, China’s economic and political infrastructure are in need of a fundamental change. Corruption must be addressed, and the system made more transparent, in order to afford investors and fund managers a clearer view by which to assess the political risks of the currency.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Strategic Marketing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Strategic Marketing - Research Paper Example The analysis of the competitive environment of Skoda shows that, there is a very high threat of new entrants. The major competitors in the Super mini segment in the UK car industry in recent times are Corsa, Fiesta, Clio, 206 and Punto. Among the main competitors the inter-firm rivalry is very high. High competition gives rise to stiff rivalry. In this situation if we analyze the strengths of Skoda cars, we can know that the company has a very strong brand image. The brand image is created through its strong reliability and quality and good performance statistics. The strong brand image has resulted in increasing market share and profits. The following graph shows the growth in the market share of Skoda cars: The strong market position has resulted in a very low threat of substitutes. The image of Skoda cars has taken a drastic change, from a very dull model to a sexy car. Hence, this has made the bargaining power of the consumers very low. The strong product features combined with the effective advertising strategy has made the consumers turn their focus away from the price tag. The distribution network of the company is very strong because of strategic alliances and partnerships with dealers and suppliers. The strong market position has brought down the bargaining power of the suppliers and the company has benefitted by consolidating its supply chain which is very essential in maintaining the quality of the product. It is obvious that in any ... If the customer likes a product/ service, then the company starts to grow and its relative strengths also tend to increase and the company strives to serve the customer better and this becomes a cycle. In case of Skoda cars, the same argument holds good. The quality of the car speaks high about the company which is obvious in its financial results and this has increased its bargaining power of the company with its suppliers. Also the preference of the consumers towards the car has increased which has further increased its bargaining power with the consumers. But the point that has to be taken into consideration is that, there is a very high level of rivalry among the existing firms and also there is a high threat of new competition. The five forces suggested by Porter has to be combined with SWOT analysis, to adopt differentiation as its main strategy to stay ahead of competitors. The differentiation now planned by the company is regarding the research and development. Skoda has abou t 1300 engineers dedicated to develop new trendy designs taking into consideration the nature of Asian and Eastern Europe. In future the company has to focus on its strength of design and performance to have competitive advantage. Also it has to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of its competitors and has to combine with its own strengths to develop a differentiation strategy. COMPANY'S RESOURCES The analysis of the current resources of the company to develop a sustainable competitive strategy is very essential. The following are some of the resources that the company has which can be used to develop a strategy to maintain a sustainable competitive advantage: The company has a very long history of developing fine designs. Its

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ASSIGNMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ASSIGNMENT - Essay Example Let us get into all the details about them. Ramakrishna Mission is one of the biggest social institutions in the whole world. Headquarter of this institution is at Belur near Kolkata. As a believer in social works, I chanced to know some of the monks who work in this organization. I traveled to Belur in order to observe how the social institution works throughout the world. The most interesting thing which I found in Ramakrishna Mission is the fact that this organization does not only rely on the idealism and leadership, they believe in hard working and this is the main force acting behind their unparalleled success. Sharing my experiences with the monks working here was something told me their secret. Microsociology that exists among all the workers associated with Ramakrishna Mission is the main thing which has made the organization able to reach out for the macrocosmic society in the outside world. The monks have perfect rankings distributed among them. This ranking is never done following any kind of social status as all of them have left family life long ago. These ranks are offered to them for the sake of division of labor. They share all the works of the institution. Apart from this, they are also able to continue with their studies. Some of the monks are highly educated and they frequently travel to Western countries to deliver lectures on their philosophy or any other subjects as well. The organization has successfully adopted the outside world laws or the macrocosmic policies inside the institution and they have carefully left the bad elements of the society. Equality is the main theme which is well practiced in Ramakrishna Mission. Swami Vivekananda the founder of the organization is considered as the leader and his philosophy is followed by the monks. Ramakrishna Mission has a well organized management system. The manager, who is also a monk, is equal to the subordinates but is very sincere in strictly

Monday, September 23, 2019

How will I utilize these funds to change my community for the better Scholarship Essay

How will I utilize these funds to change my community for the better - Scholarship Essay Example The out-of-school black youths have become a problem in our community. Aside from being a wasted potential labor force, they have become concerns of the government. With the funds that I will be receiving, I plan to gather them in a meeting and a fun time, where I would be able to relay to them the things I have learned from school; therefore they can get updated with the new knowledge taught at the university. It can be two-sessions per month during my free days, and it will consist of both a serious study and sharing of knowledge, and a fun-filled play and snack time. I will specifically use the funds for the buying of teaching materials and food. In line with this, I will also share with them some ways to earn extra income such as possible part-time jobs that they can involve in so as to save money for their schooling. These can be in the form of small enterprise or cooperative that will help these young blacks earn a living. To boost our budget and power, I will coordinate with our city-government for further financial and manpower support. In this way, we can give hope to the out-of-school black youths.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Lab Report on TLC analisys of Analgestic Drugs Essay Example for Free

Lab Report on TLC analisys of Analgestic Drugs Essay In this experiment, thin-layer chromatography (TLC) was used to determine the composition of various over-the-counter (OTC) analgesics: Anacin, Bufferin, Excedrin, and Tylenol. The TLC plates were first viewed under ultraviolet (UV) light and then treated with iodine vapor in order to visualize the spotting. Experiment Scheme Initially, sixteen capillary micropipets were created in order to spot the TLC plates. Two TLC plates were then obtained and marked with pencil for spotting. A line was drawn 1 cm from the bottom of each plate, and five small, evenly spaced marks were made along those lines (see Figure 1). Each mark indicated where a substance would be spotted. All compounds used were in solutions of 1g of each dissolved in 20 ml of a 50:50 mixture of methylene chloride and ethanol. The first plate made was the reference plate. Capillary micropipets were used to spot the first four marks with acetaminophen, aspirin, caffeine, and salicylamide (in that order). (See figures 2-5 for chemical structures.) The last mark was spotted with a reference solution of all four chemicals. The second plate made was the sample plate. The first four marks were spotted with Anacin, Bufferin, Excedrin, and Tylenol. The fifth mark was spotted with a reference solution of all four drugs. Figure 1. Prepared TLC plates Figure 2. AcetaminophenFigure 3. Aspirin Figure 4. CaffeineFigure 5. Salicylamide A development container was created with a wide-mouthed screwcap jar. It was filled with the development solvent, which was .5% glacial acetic acid in ethyl acetate, so that the solvent was approximately . 5 cm deep.The first TLC plate was then carefully placed into the development container. Great care was taken to ensure that the plate went in evenly so that the solvent could rise evenly up the plate. Once the solvent front had reached approximately 1cm from the top of the plate, the plate was removed, the solvent front was marked with a pencil, and the plate was allowed to dry. The second plate was then placed in the development chamber in the same manner as the first. Once the solvent front reached approximately 1cm from the top of the plate, the plate was removed, the solvent front was marked with a pencil, and the plate was allowed to dry. Each plate was then viewed under the UV light. Any spots that were seen were lightly circled with a pencil, and their color was noted. The orders of elution (Rf values) were calculated by dividing the distance from the baseline to the center of the spot by the distance from the baseline to the solvent front. After all observations and calculations were made, the plates were placed in a jar containing iodine. The jar was warmed with hands so that the iodine vaporized. The plates were then removed from the jar and observed. The reference and sample plates were then compared to determine which compounds the drugs on the sample plate contained. Data

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Managing and Reducing Cardiovascular Risk in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Essay Example for Free

Managing and Reducing Cardiovascular Risk in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Essay Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder in which the body’s capacity to make use of glucose, fat and protein is disturbed due to insulin deficiency or insulin resistance. It is a hormone secreted from pancreas that helps glucose from food to enter the bodys cells where it is transformed into energy required by muscles and tissues to function. Diabetes is caused either because the pancreas does not secrete adequate insulin, or because cells do not react to the insulin that is produced. Due to this reason, an individual with diabetes does not take up glucose appropriately and glucose continues circulating in the blood (hyperglycaemia) harming tissues over time. This damage leads to acute health complications. The classic symptoms of diabetes mellitus are, Polyuria ,Polydipsia ,Polyphagia ,lethargy and weight loss. There are many causes for high blood glucose levels in the body and so a number of types of diabetes exist. Diabetes mellitus occur throughout the world. Based on the study conducted by IDF, the number of diabetics on earth stands at 365 million nearly 8. 5% of the global population. It is more widespread in the more developed countries. The greatest raise in incidence is, however, expected to happen in Africa and Asia, where majority of the diabetes patients will most likely be found by 2030. Diabetes mellitus is categorised into four broad groups: Type 1, Type 2, Gestational diabetes other specific types. Scientists in US have found a Type 3 diabetes, it is still continuing further study. Type 1 diabetes is absolute insulin deficiency usually affects children and young adults. Type 2 Diabetes is an insidious progressive disease that is often diagnosed late when complication are present. Dunning (2004) described it as a long term complication with neuropathy, cardiovascular disease and retinopathy. It is a universal metabolic disorder affecting more than 2 million people in the United Kingdom and up to 750,000 more are expected to have it without knowing they do. Studies conducted show that 80% of population affected by diabetes live in developing and underdeveloped countries and the majority of people with diabetes is between 40 to 59 years of age. It is also estimated that 183 million people (50%) with diabetes are undiagnosed. It is noticed that Diabetes caused 4. million deaths in 2011 and caused sharp increase in medical expenditure. I am a staff nurse working in the cardiac ward and we often receive patients with cardiac problems as a long term complication of type 2 diabetes. Cardiovascular disease is a major cause of hospital admission and mortality in people with diabetes. Most of them are not diagnosed until they are admitted. During the course of this study the medical history and care and treatment provided to a patient named Mr M Davies who was admitted in my ward is chosen to learn about managing and reducing cardiovascular disease among patients with type 2 diabetes. In 1998 UKPDS pointed out the importance of reducing lipids blood pressure and blood Glucose to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Hypertension leads to thicker, less elastic blood vessel walls and increase the strain on the heart. Studies indicated that there is a linear correlation between the diastolic blood pressure and the eventual outcome of type 2 diabetes. Standl Schnell (2000) pointed out that as a result of ischemia-induced remodelling subtle changes occur in the heart and the effects of hyperglycaemia on the endothelium of large blood vessels that causes heart to failure. Mr M Davies (Mr.  MD) is a 61-year-old pensioner with a 4 years history of type 2 diabetes. He was diagnosed in 2008 and he had symptoms of hyperglycaemia for 2 years before diagnosis. His fasting blood glucose records indicated values of 6–7 mmol/L, which were explained to him as symptomatic of â€Å"borderline diabetes. † During the preliminary diagnosis, he was advised to reduce weight (â€Å"at least 10 lb. †), but no further action was taken. Other medical problems include obesity and hypertension. He was admitted in the ward with recurrent chest pain. (Appendix 1) This assignment is about managing and reducing cardiovascular risk in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Heart disease is well acknowledged as a chronic problem of diabetes, and is the major reason of morbidity and mortality in patients from middle-age onwards. Type 2 diabetes is associated at the onset with risk factors for heart disease such as hypertension and obesity, raising the question of whether diabetes is the independent risk factor for heart disease. In 2001 Morrish et al pointed out that the majority of cardiovascular deaths are specifically due to heart disease and this is supported by Fisher, Miles, (2008) commenting that heart disease is the major cause of morbidity and mortality at young as well as older ages. Butler (1997) said that increased life expectancy has led to an increase in the number of people over 65 years of in both the developed and developing worlds. Marso (2003) pointed out that due to the clear association between age and the development diabetes, this increase in the number of older individuals in the population will inevitably contribute to the increased prevalence of diabetes. Watkins (2008) mentioned that Type 2 diabetes is a disease of relative prosperity, prosperity leads to overweight and physical indolence. Insulin resistance, increasing with obesity, associated with progressive failure of insulin secretion in relation to ageing underlies the development of diabetes. It is anticipated that by 2025 the number of people with type 2 diabetes will be around 380 million and people with impaired glucose tolerance will be around 418 million. Diabetes is the foremost global cause of premature mortality that is broadly underestimated, because only a few among the diabetic patients die from reasons uniquely related to the condition. Nearly one half of type 2 diabetes patients die prematurely of a cardiovascular reason and approximately 10% die of renal failure. Diabetes is a condition that required to be managed every day. The management of Diabetes can refer to dealing with short term measures like high and low blood sugar to regulating it over the long term for instance by attaining to grips with knowing the condition. All patients with Type 2 diabetes require active dietary management throughout their disease. Watkins (2008) pointed out that weight loss in the obese is extremely valuable but is separate from dietary manipulations to control blood glucose. Treatment typically includes diet control, exercise, monitoring blood sugar at home, and in some cases, oral medication and/or taking insulin. Based on the type diabetes medicines are classified into different groups and each category of diabetes pills functions differently. Commonly used medicines to control diabetes are Sulfonylureas, Thiazolidinediones, Biguanides, Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, Meglitinides and, Dipeptidyl peptidase IV. Sulfonylureas reduce blood sugar by stimulating the pancreas to produce more insulin. Sulfonylureas medicines like Glimeperide, Gliclazide,. Biguanides improve insulins capacity to transfer sugar into cells particularly into the muscle cells. They also stop the liver from releasing stored sugar. Biguanides are not advised to be used in people who have heart failure or kidney damage. Biguanides medicines such as Metformin. Thiazolidinediones like Pioglitazone and Rosiglitazone enhances effectiveness of insulin in muscle and in fat tissue. Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, such as Precose (acarbose) and Glyset (miglitol) prevent enzymes that help digest starches, reducing the rise in blood sugar. These medicines may cause diarrhea or gas. They can decrease hemoglobin A1c by 0. 5%-1%. Meglitinides, like Prandin (repaglinide) and Starlix (nateglinide) reduces blood sugar level by stimulating the pancreas to secreate more insulin. Dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) inhibitors, such as Januvia (sitagliptin), Onglyza (saxagliptin), and Tradjenta (linagliptin) lowers blood sugar level in patients with type 2 diabetes by accelerating insulin secretion from the pancreas and lowering sugar production. The case history of Mr. MD indicated that he was advised to manage blood sugar level by diet control and regular exercise. It was also advised to take metformin 1000mg twice a day when diet and exercise are not enough to manage blood sugar level. The history showed that Mr. MD was non-compliance with any of these. On admission his random blood sugar was 20 mmol/L. As he was unable to tolerate oral intake due to nausea and chest pain, GKI was commenced for a day to control his blood sugar. On second day his blood sugar level was controlled and he started eating and drinking normally. Mr MD was referred to diabetic specialist nurse and dietician . Diabetic specialist nurse advised to stop GKI and advised to start OHA. Mr. MD commenced on metformin 1000mg three times a day (Learning outcome 1). Metformin has long been accepted as a appropriate first-line choice of oral medicine for Type 2 diabetes as it is the only oral hypoglycaemic agent related with no weight gain or even weight reduction. They decrease hepatic gluconeogenesis, boost peripheral glucose uptake and also lower the absorption of carbohydrate from the gut lumen. Because metformin functions on insulin sensitivity and with only endogenous glucose stimulated insulin secretion, it virtually never causes hypoglycaemia on its own and patients using it with diet and exercise do not need routinely to self-monitor blood glucose. The UK Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS, 2002) demonstrated a significant survival advantage for Type 2 patients started on metformin as first-line therapy, with less cardiovascular mortality, although it should be noted that they only used the drug in obese patients. Obesity is a worldwide problem. Barnett (2009) pointed out that obesity and overweight are independent risk factors for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Various studies reveal that obesity is a major cardiovascular disease risk factor across world’s populations. Risk of morbidity and mortality begins to increase at body mass index (BMI) 25 kg/m 2 and the risk raises sharply at BMI 30 kg/m 2. Each kilogram of weight put on from the age of 18 years was linked with 3. 1% higher risk of cardiovascular disease. In 1998 Gunnell observed that over weight in adolescence is a forecaster of these dangers in adulthood . These finding were supported by Must in 1992,who explained that this increased risk extends to overweight children and adolescents, who may be at risk of premature cardiovascular morbidity and death. The mechanism by which obesity causes increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality is attributed to associated co-morbidities and risk factors such as hypertension, dyslipidaemia, type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance. The co-occurrence of some or all of these risk factors along with obesity is termed the cardiometabolic syndrome. On examination it was noticed that Mr.  MD has a high BMI (30. 9). West (2007). Suggested that addressing obesity is an essential aspect of managing diabetes, because type2 diabetes and many other health problems coexist. However it is important to consider the individual’s specific nutritional needs rather than just providing them with a ‘weight loss plan,’ ‘diabetic diet,’ a ‘standard meal plan or information about healthy eating. ’ Mr. MD was referred to the dietician. Dietician gave dietary advice and educated about importance of weight management by diet and regular exercise. He was advised to avoid take-away foods, reduce alcohol consumption and taking balanced food to prevent hypo and hyper glycaemia (Learning outcome 1).. Hypertension-Prevention Management is very important in the management of metabolic diseases. In 1985 Modan et al pointed out that there is a strong relationship between high blood pressure and insulin resistance. This findings is supported by Reaven, (1999) . He said that the prevalence of insulin resistance in hypertension has been estimated at 50%. Scheen, (2004) proposed several possible mechanisms for this. Coutinho et al. (1999) said that impaired fasting blood glucose is related with high cardiovascular risk particularly if accompanied by hypertension. Henry et al. , (2002) said that in people with diabetes, cardiovascular disease risk is increased two to fourfold compared with those with normal glucose tolerance. This was supported by the study conducted by Heffner et al. , (1998) who said that diabetic people without past history of myocardial infarction may have as high a risk of myocardial infarction as non-diabetic patients with a history of previous myocardial infarction. Non-pharmacological interventions are cheap than pharmacological interventions and have no known dangerous effects. A range of lifestyle changes reduce blood pressure and the occurrence of hypertension. Non-pharmacological interventions such as weight loss in the overweight, exercise programmes, limiting alcohol intake and a diet with increased fruit and vegetables and limited saturated fat content, minimising dietary sodium consumption and increased dietary potassium intake. From the medical history of Mr MD it is noticed that he was taking Ramipril 5 mg/day and bisoprolol2. mg/daily. It is established that where non-pharmacological interventions are not enough to achieve the objectives then Pharmacological interventions are required. Several drug treatments are of proven value in minimising cardiovascular risk in people with diabetes and hypertension. Low-dose aspirin is suggested in diabetes whether or not there is evidence of large vessel disease. Williams et al. , (2004) noticed that the British Hypertension Society recommends 75 mg of aspirin for all with hypertension and diabetes, unless contraindicated. Antihypertensive therapy diminishes the risk of macrovascular complications by around 20%. Reducing blood pressure reduces progression of retinopathy, albuminuria and progression to nephropathy. Staessen et al. , (1997) observed that clinical trials with ACE inhibitors, beta-blockers, diuretics, angiotensin receptor blockers and calcium channel blockers have demonstrated benefit of treatment of hypertension in type 2 diabetes (Learning outcome 1).. On admission blood pressure level of Mr MD was very high. He was recommended treatment with antihypertensive drugs. Consultant prescribed Losartan 100 mg/day and increased ACE inhibitor (ramipril 10 mg/day) and beta-blocker (bisoprolol 5 mg/dayl). Studies show that treatment with ramipril in addition to standard therapy minimised combined myocardial infarction, stroke and cardiovascular death by about 25% and stroke by 33% compared with placebo plus conventional methods. This was supported by Sowers and Haffner, (2002) saying that almost all patients with hypertension and diabetes require combinations of blood pressure reducing drugs to attain the recommended blood pressure targets. During the treatment Mr. MD was advised non-pharmacological methods of blood pressure management and importance of diet control and referred to cardiac rehabilitation for regular exercise. Management of high cholesterol plays an important role in the management of diabetes. Lipid abnormalities are common in type 2 diabetes and can be broadly categorized into two groups: those that are common to the general population, for example elevated total and LDL cholesterol; and additional diabetes-related abnormalities, for example elevated triglycerides and reduced HDL cholesterol. Current US and European guidelines emphasize reducing LDL-C level to less than 100 mg/dL (2. 59 mmol/L). To reduce the cholesterol Mr. MD was undergone intensive lipid-lowering treatment with atorvastatin 80 mg/day. Dietary therapy was also a part of the treatment which was found effective to lower Lipids. Interventions to stabilize lipids in order to decrease the risk of CVD are warranted in people with type 2 diabetes. Both Fibrates and Statins improve lipid profiles in people with diabetes. Many studies have established the safety and effectiveness of the fibrates (gemfibrozil, bezofibrate, fenofibrate) in diabetes. Fibrates stimulate the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-a, changing the expression of a number of enzymes that regulate lipid metabolism, including lipoprotein lipase. Statins inhibit hepatic 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase, which is rate restrictive in cholesterol production. Another major strategy in the management diabetes is lifestyle interventions. Lifestyle interventions can progress lipid levels. Studies conducted on weight loss and lipids in type 2 diabetes have varied greatly as to the study diet, design and duration. A Meta-analysis of 89 studies and 1800 subjects with type 2 diabetes reported that a weight loss of 5% or greater reduced triglyceride levels by 10 ±40% and total cholesterol by 5 ±15%. These effects were greatest with very low-calorie diets, and the effects were seen in studies up to 6 months. A variety of diets can alter the lipid profile in people with type 2 diabetes. The organisation of diabetes care is very important in the long term management of diabetes care. Diabetes is the significant disease confronting the United Kingdoms (UK) health care system. As a result, understanding how best to manage diabetes facilities is an important area if the health system is going to deal with the growth in both the demand for and cost of diabetes treatment. Care should be planed at reducing symptoms and minimizing the danger of long-term problems. It is pointed out that a proper balance of glucose and other cardiovascular risk factors such as smoking, hypertension, inactive lifestyle, dyslipidaemia and obesity is very crucial (UKPDS, 2002) in the organisation care of diabetes.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The management of wound dressings whilst on placement

The management of wound dressings whilst on placement This reflective piece will look at the management of wound dressings whilst on placement in the community. I will use the Gibbs model of reflection this will allow me to describe the event, explore my thoughts and feelings, make an evaluation on the event and then analysis different components which can be explored separately including different dressings and why they are used, finally I will conclude and action plan looking at if this happened again what I would do differently. Whilst on placement in the community I visited a lady who had chronic leg ulcers on both legs and the district nursing team had been visiting this lady for a number of years. The lady had oedematous legs and poor mobility and sat in a recliner chair although the chair was never reclined. I had visited the lady previously on a number of occasions and had applied her dressings and documented what I had done and the dressings used in her district nursing records. On this occasion the lady requested that I didnt put the K-lite dressing on and allows the other nurse do this, as previously when I had dressed her legs she stated the dressing had become loose. I mapped the dressing so that the notes had an up to date record of the size of the wounds and washed and redressed the legs as per the plan of care. The plan of care stated to wash the legs apply aqualcel ag silver this is used for wounds that have a high level of exudates, then atruman was applied covered by mesorb, comfifast yellow then K-soft and then I passed over to the Registered Nurse (RN) to apply the final layer, whilst she applied the final layer I documented the notes that the leg had been mapped, washed and redressed as per the plan and noted that strikethrough was on the dressing prior to removal I also noted the patients level of pain at the time of the cleaning and mapping of the wounds and also after the legs had been redressed. I documented the patients records that the patient had been advised to elevate the legs when resting to aid healing. When the patient advised me that she would prefer the RN to do the top layer I felt like my confidence had been knocked. The patient had never said this before and always stated not to wrap the dressings too tight as she found it very uncomfortable. I told her that I didnt do them too tight as she always stated not to do so and apologised to her that they had fell down and in future would ensure that they werent too tight but would not fall down either. When I left the patients house with the RN she told me that this lady does this to all the new nurses that visit her and not to worry about it. Pressure sores and leg ulcers are classed as chronic wounds and are defined as slow healing wounds with the likely hood of reoccurrence and the pain that a patient feels may be severe and ongoing (Dealey 1999). The dressing plays a major part in the reduction of pain and by choosing the wrong dressing this can cause discomfort when removing the dressing and the nurse needs to avoid this by using careful assessment prior to administering the dressing (Dealey 1999). For a wound to heal the key is to have successful wound management, the nurse should use a wound assessment tool this will ensure that there is valid reliable and also consistent information documented. Wounds need to be regularly reassessed to ensure that evaluation is given on the treatment that the patient has received. When making a wound assessment this should include the location of the wound, the cause, etiology, tissue type the size and the exudates and finally the level of pain the patient is experiencing (Prescribing Nurse Bulletin). To achieve optimum healing the role of the nurse is to be able to select the most appropriate dressing for the wound, this is to be based on the most up to date evidence, and recent development of new dressings makes this a challenge for the nurse (Lansdown 2004). The wound should be assessed for slough and necrosis, signs and symptoms of infection and wound malodour. The patients records need to be documented to state if the wound is healing, e.g. granulisation and epithelisation (White 2005). The ideal wound dressing that will meet the treatment objective and promote the wound from further injury would be a moist wound healing dressing, that manages excess exudates and prevents the wound from maceration and further wound breakdown, ensure that it prevents the exit and entry of organisms, it will cause minimal trauma at the time of removal and is cost effective (Northern Health and Social Services Board NHSSB 2005). One important factor in wound dressings is to ensure that dressings get the maximum exposure to the wound bed. This can be achieved by a dressing that decreases the voids and spaces where bacteria can thrive (Jones etal 2005). Aquacel Ag dressings contain Hydro fibre Technology and it gels on contact with the exudates and micro-contours to the wound bed this helps to eliminate voids or spaces where bacteria and fluid can collect it maximising exposure of the wound to antimicrobials. It is presented as a soft sterile, non-woven pad and is impregnated with ionic silver (Aquacel Ag 2006). This dressing can absorb a large amount of fluid and helps to prevent exudates leakage onto the periwound skin. The dressing can be left in place for up to 7 days however should strikethrough be evident on the dressing then the dressing needs to be changed (NHSSB 2005). It has been recognised that silver is an effective antimicrobial agent (Thomas and McCubbin 2003). It has proved that it is effective against methicillin and vancomysin-resistant strains of bacteria (Lansdown 2002) Atrauman dressings are made of a fine mesh of hydrophobic, polyester fibres and have mesh pores with a smooth surface this effectively counteracts adhesion to the wound by preventing new tissue from penetrating the dressing and allowing the exudates to pass through, this means that the dressing is easy to remove and causes minimum discomfort to the patient and also to the wound. The dressing is highly permeable to air and water vapour and has been found to be very well suited to the management of infected wounds (Hartmann 2010). In recent years Honey has been found to benefit wound healing, clinically topical honey treatment has been found to possess antimicrobial properties, promote autolytic debridement, deodorise wounds and stimulate the growth of wound tissues to quicken healing, it also stimulates anti-inflammatory activity helping to reduce pain, oedema and exudates (White 2005). A fast rate of healing has been reported in wounds treated with honey (Ahmed 2003) it helps the developing of a clean granulating wound bed (Stephen-Hayes 2004) It is clear that wound management is a complex area and the it is the nurses responsibility to ensure that they give the correct care to the patient and they use the dressings that are selected on their knowledge and understanding of what the dressing will achieve they need to be constantly aware of new products available to treat the wounds. By regular assessment of the wound they will be able to see if the dressing selected is helping to promote wound healing. I am aware that if I wish to work in the community I would need a good knowledge of dressing that is used in wound management. I know that I am likely to meet patients who try to make me doubt my ability however this is something that I know I will over come as my confidence builds and I become more used to working in the community.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Boethius :: essays research papers

â€Å"Evil is Nothing† Her argument of Evil is Nothing is very simple. She begins by speaking with Boethius and getting at the definition of what is good and how that is related to God. She starts out by stating that they agree on the fact of God. Then they come to the agreement that God is the good itself. They then state that there is nothing that can go against God and still have power because God is all-powerful and all good. Lady Philosophy then says, â€Å"No one could doubt that God is omnipotent,† and Boethius responds by saying no one in their right mind could deny it. And she says that God can also do evil, which Boethius immediately states â€Å"No.† After that remark she goes on to make her argument by stating that evil must be nothing because God can do anything but God can not do evil so therefore there is no such thing as evil. In this discussion, Lady Philosophy states that because God can do anything and that God cannot do evil then evil is noth ing. Her statement is sound if you believe the statements that they both agreed on. First they said yes there is a God and yes God is good. They then agree on their good God being omnipotent, meaning that their God can do anything. Lady Philosophy then brings up her big argument. She says that God can do anything in the world that he wants to, anything at all, and that he is good. But she also says that God can do evil. This is usually a perspective that humans in general do not look at. We see God as being the good of the world and something to look up to. Her idea of God doing evil is rejected by Boetheius. This meaning that if he believes in evil then he cannot believe in a God that is all-powerful and cannot do good. Therefore Boethius contradicts himself, and Lady Philosophy is found to be correct. However, I agree with this idea and that her statement is sound. However, unlike Boethius I don’t believe that God cannot do evil. If God is all powerful then of course he can do evil, rather he chooses not to, and because of this God is represented as only allowed to do good. But how can anything that is as powerful as that not be able to do something horrible.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Meaning Of Life Through The Eyes Of Ivan Denisovich Essay example -

What is the meaning of life? This is one of the most frequently asked questions by all of humanity since the beginning of time. It is a question naturally asked by people because they have the ability to make choices about life. The question would appear to be difficult to answer and different for every individual depending on their circumstances. It is the ultimate search for truth and purpose in life, although the meaning of life is believed to be an idea that expresses their true purpose within life. These expressions can be defined within a given proximity in accordance with their current lifestyles. Ivan Denisovich ¡Ã‚ ¯s lifestyle differs from all aspects of a normal life, for his was depicted within a Siberian work camp in the Soviet Union. Within this camp all that mattered was the amount of food rations attained and the will to live the best he could. Although he was well aware of how things function in the camp, he learned when to work hard and when to take it easy, defi ning his acute character. The meaning in life through the eyes of Ivan Denisovich was to live a life of integrity and honesty, utilizing an optimistic attitude in all situations, while maintaining his upholding status. Ivan Denisovich is an old-timer in the prison camp and although he does odd jobs here and there to earn food or favors, he maintains a level of personal integrity. Integrity and honesty can be defined as the quality or state of being unimpaired or of being honest, refraining from lying, cheating, or stealing; being truthful, trustworthy, and upright. Ivan ¡Ã‚ ¯s honesty and integrity have been illustrated in many events that assure his own personal morals to live a life worthy of his own actions. He exemplifies these honorable morals in his actions throughout the entire day, which consisted of pitiful meals and harsh working conditions. He demonstrated his strict morality while eating dinner in the mess hall.  ¡Ã‚ °Yet, this old man is unlike all the other zeks. He sits upright and brings his spoon up to his lips. He does not put his bread on the dirty table, but on his clean rag. Somehow, even through countless years of prison life, he has maintained a sense of dignity. ¡Ã‚ ± He manifests his acute morals in all situations regardless of the status in which he is situated. He stands out, even though he is no different from any other, for many were wrongfully imprisoned for actions ... ...e been illustrated in many events that assure his own personal morals to live a life worthy of his own actions.  ¡Ã‚ °Somehow, even through countless years of prison life, he has maintained a sense of dignity. ¡Ã‚ ± Shukov demonstrated his integrity by attaining trust among the prisoners, a trust gained only from his previous engagements of sincere and honest deeds. Ivan ¡Ã‚ ¯s optimistic attitude motivated the others around him to perform the given tasks with a can do attitude. To a man, ones aspect of life can aspire a man to perform a great deed with a positive attitude, which Ivan had accomplished within the power plant. Ivan Denisovich ¡Ã‚ ¯s heart found sympathy for those who had suffered without a just cause for survival allowing him to remain sane throughout his sentence. His sanity was part of his meaning in life as his main goal was to live a life the best he could, and to maintain that life it was necessary for him to remain sane. Therefore the meaning in life through he eyes of Ivan Denisovich was to live a life of honesty and integrity with an optimistic attitude, allowing himself to sustain his own stature within his society while serving out his sentence as a prisoner of Communism.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Knowledge vs. Ignorance Essay

Everyone has the right to attain knowledge. Having knowledge can lead one to do great things, such as achieving a good score on a test, knowing what to do in cases of emergencies, or achieve things like winning a debate, contest, race, or game. And even though attaining knowledge doesn’t always come with happiness, knowledge can give one the power and opportunity to influence others and their choices and decisions. To best prove a person wrong in a debate or argument, knowledge is needed to make a good enough point to prove the opposing side wrong. Even though ignorance is bliss, knowledge is power because knowledge comes with the power to influence, knowledge is power when making a point, and with knowledge, one is able to make their own decisions based on what they know. Knowledge is power because it can come with the power to influence ones choices as well as others. In The Great Gatsby, during chapter 6, Nick Carraway gives the reader an insight of Jay Gatsby’s past. Nick tells us, â€Å" He was employed in a vague personal capacity—while he remained with Cody he was in turn steward, mate, skipper, secretary, and even jailor, for Dan Cody sober knew what lavish doings Dan Cody drunk might soon be about, and he provided for such contingencies by reposing more and more trust in Gatsby. †¦ It was indirectly due to Cody that Gatsby drank so little.† (Gatsby 100) Gatsby had the knowledge of how people acted when drunk first handed. What he had witnessed with Dan Cody influenced him drink only rarely. Also in chapter 6, Nick gives us the idea where Gatsby would have first gotten the chance at a wealthy life. Nick tells us, â€Å"And it was from Cody that he inherited money—a legacy of twenty-five thousand dollars. He didn’t get it. He never understood the legal devise that was used against him, but what remained of the millions went intact was left with his singularly appropriate education; the vague contour of Jay Gatsby hid filled out to the substantiality of a man.†(Gatsby 100) From this we can see that Gatsby attained enough knowledge to be capable to do whatever it takes to become wealthy. And being a part of the wealthy also influenced his choices to do what it takes to make it to the top, even if it is done through illegal means, which we find out later on in the book that it does. Knowledge is also power because of the fact that having knowledge can make others look up to the person who holds it, for they seem wiser and may hold the right answers and steer them in a direction, good or bad. When I was in sixth grade, we had a group lab in science class. No one in my group had any idea on how to complete the assignment that was assigned, except me. With the knowledge I had attained from my science teachers’ lessons, I was able to influence my lab partners to listen to what I thought should be done and was able to steer my group into getting a B- on our assignment. Having knowledge is power when making a point because it will help prove the opposing side wrong and persuade others that you are in the right. In the heated fight between Tom and Gatsby in a hotel suite in New York City, Tom had made sure he had attained enough knowledge about Gatsby, his past and who he is, to persuade Daisy that he is not the one for her and that he isn’t what she real ly wants, and also to convince her to love him and forget Gatsby. In the middle of the argument, Tom exclaims to Gatsby, â€Å"‘Who are you, anyhow? You’re one of that bunch that hangs around with Meyer Wolfsheim—that much I happen to know. I’ve made a little investigation into your affairs—and I’ll carry it further to-morrow. †¦ I found out what your ‘drug-stores’ were.’ He turned to us and spoke rapidly. ‘He and this Wolfsheim brought up a lot of side-street drug stores here and in Chicago and sold grain alcohol over the counter. That’s one of his little stunts. I picked him for a bootlegger the first time I saw him, and I wasn’t far wrong.’† (Gatsby 133) This shows the reader the effort Tom has made to really gather his information about Gatsby to prove him wrong. With the knowledge that Tom had gained about Gatsby, he had the right information to show Daisy that Gatsby isn’t who she thought he was, and that Gatsby was not fooling anyone ab out who he really is and his past. And after Tom had brought up Walter Chase, Gatsby had an unfamiliar expression on his face. Nick tells us, â€Å"Then I turned back to Gatsby—and was startled at his expression. He looked—and this is said in all contempt for the babbled slander of his garden—as if he had â€Å"killed a man.† †¦It passed, and he began to talk excitedly to Daisy, denying everything, defending his name against accusations that had not been made. But with every word she was drawing further and further into herself, so he gave that up, and only the dead dream fought on as the afternoon slipped away, trying to touch what was no longer tangible, †¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Gatsby 134) This passage shows the reader that Tom has made his point well enough to scare Gatsby, and well enough to convince Daisy to realize that Gatsby is just not the kind of person she wants to be with. Tom showed up Gatsby, and with knowledge, Tom was able to prove his point which makes puts him with more power over Gatsby and even Daisy. For afterward, Tom commands to Daisy and Gatsby, â€Å"‘You two start on home, Daisy, in Mr. Gatsby’s Car. †¦ Go on. He won’t anno y you. I think he realizes that his presumptuous little flirtation is over.’ They were gone, without a word, snapped out, made accidental, isolated, like ghosts, even from our pity.† (Gatsby 135) This passage shows Toms’ power over Gatsby and Daisy after proving them both wrong of their thought with the knowledge that he had attained. Attaining knowledge is power because one is then able to make what they think is the best decision are for them or for others based off of what they know. But having this power also has its consequences. During dinner at the Buchanan’s house, a phone call for Tom interrupts dinner. When he had gone into another room to attend to the call, Jordan Baker eavesdrops on the conversation. Jordan then tells nick, in front of Daisy, â€Å"Tom’s got a woman in New York.†(Gatsby 15) Later on that evening, Daisy says to Nick, â€Å"I’m glad it’s a girl. And I hope she’ll be a fool—that’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.†(Gatsby 17) These statements show Daisy’s knowledge about Tom’s affair with another woman. Even though she doesn’t use her knowledge to change the way things are between her relationships with Tom, she deals with the consequences that come with it. Knowing the about Toms affair leads her to deal with an unhappy life. But with knowledge of her feelings emotions for Tom and her knowledge of how love can hurt, she knows that she would want her daughter will be a beautiful fool, oblivious to the bad and the wrong in the world. So her daughter may live a happier life not having knowledge of the bad things in life that has made Daisy unhappy. Some people argue that ignorance is bliss because what you don’t know doesn’t hurt you. Some people believe ignorant people live a happier life. They believe that not knowing every detail could sometimes spare hurt, stress, and depression. These people are wrong because without knowledge, ignorant people would not really know th e truth about a situation and they would be oblivious to what is really going and may get hurt when they finally realize the truth. For example, in chapter 1 of The Great Gatsby, Daisy tells Nick, â€Å"I’m glad it’s a girl. And I hope she’ll be a fool—that’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.† (Gatsby17) Daisy wants her daughter to grow up to be oblivious to all the hurt in the world so she can be happy, unlike how Daisy is, living day by day knowing that her husband has been having an affair with another woman. When the truth comes out, being ignorant and oblivious may not hold a happy ending. Having knowledge is very important for a person to have. Without knowledge, we would not be able to consider things for ourselves and make good decisions. For one to have the power to influence others choices and decisions, they must have knowledge to persuade others. Proving someone wrong in an argument or disagreement takes knowledge to show them and witnesses that the opposing side is wrong. Even though holding knowledge of a certain subject can have its consequences, the one who holds it will be able to make what they think the best decisions are for them or others based off of what they know. Attaining knowledge is a very important key in life. It can open many doors and opportunities for one who is willing to attain it. Knowledge can come with happiness, but not always. But knowledge will for sure get one further in life than one who is ignorant to their surrounding and oblivious to situations.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Media Impact on the Society Analyzed Using Conflict Theory Essay

According to the Conflict theory of sociology, the defining quality of human societies has always been the existence of different classes of people in the society and conflicts of interest between these classes of people. In the United States, wealth and power are concentrated in the hands of a comparatively few wealthy families. The interests of this relatively small but wealthy and politically powerful class of people is always under threat from the masses at large, therefore institutionalized mechanisms exist in the government and society, that allow the rich to retain their wealth and power and the poor to remain poor and non-influential (Mantsios). The media is one such tool for perpetuating the power of the rich. More than half of all the mass media outlets such as newspapers, magazines and movie studios are owned by just 23 large corporations which are in turn, under the control of the upper class. It is not surprising therefore that the media engages in advocacy for the rich and for the continuance of the status quo in the economic, political and social order (Mantsios). The basic strategy followed in the media in order to prevent the masses from rising against the inequalities of the political and social system is ‘divide and conquer’. This does not necessarily have to be a conscious decision on the part of the media administrators; rather it may simply be a manifestation of the ideology that drives media owners. The media engages in inciting the larger part of the lower classes, which are relatively better-off sections of against those sections of the society which face extreme poverty and destitution. They are painted as threats to a common person’s security, as parasites living off the taxpayer’s money and in general as people who are poor through their own bad lifestyle choices (Mantsios). The rich on the other hand are portrayed as benevolent although their corporations engage in practices which are greatly harmful to the common person and are often responsible for the destruction of the livelihood of the poor especially small businesses. Their wealth is portrayed to be the result of hard work and effort even though the rich receive a far larger share of the taxpayer’s money in the form of agricultural subsidies etc. (Mantsios) The media humanizes the rich by exploring minute aspects of their personal lives and dehumanizes the poor as a violent, lazy and criminal class (Mantsios). The rich are depicted as people with interesting personality quirks and eccentricities but ultimately harmless, those few among the rich who are convicted of criminal behavior are written off as ‘a few bad apples’. In this way the harmful effects of the endemic social stratification in American society and the harmful actions engaged in by upper class oligarchs are glossed over or ignored (Mantsios). Social Stratification Social Stratification is the division of the individuals in a society in observable classes in accordance with their societal influence and wealth. Different societies have different levels of rigidity in their social order. The more socially stratified a society, the less common it becomes for a person born in a lower class to rise up to a higher class through their own efforts (Domhoff). An extreme example of social stratification was the traditional caste system in Hindu society. This system forced people to adopt the trade of their ancestors. Thus priestly families would only produce more priests, soldier families would produce soldiers, servant families would produce only servants and the untouchable outcast families would produce only outcasts. In the United States, one of the manifestations of social stratification can be observed in the education system. The effect of social status can clearly be seen in students’ performance in standardized tests. On average students from high income families have much higher SAT scores than students from low income families (Mantsios, Class in America: Myths and Realities). Another aspect of social stratification is in the job market, people whose parents were blue collar workers are far more likely to be blue collar workers. The people in the upper class on the other hand tend to remain upper class (Domhoff). According to Marxist thought, social stratification arose out of the unequal economic infrastructure of a society; one class owned the means of production and the other class was forced to sell their labor to them. In Marxist thought, the social classes were in perpetual conflict. Marx viewed history as one long struggle of the under classes against the privileges in societal infrastructure that the over classes had built for themselves. Marx viewed the abolition of monarchy as one step in the destruction of over class privilege, now it was no longer acceptable for an upper class to assert its right to rule everyone else based on divine authority, however ‘wage slavery’ persisted i.e. the lower classes’ were still obliged to sell their labor to those who owned the means of production, in order to survive. According to Marxist thought the abolition of private ownership was the next step in evolution of a society without social stratification. Revolutionary, Reform, Conservative and Reactionary Social Movements Social movement can be divided into four typed in accordance with their primary characteristics: Revolutionary social movements are movements that intent to bring political upheaval and radical social change to the society. Revolutionary movements often seek to bring about greater social equality and to remove one individual, family, ethnicity or social class’ monopoly on power and wealth. For example the Abolitionist movement in the American South sought to bring an end to the endemic social institution of slavery. Reform movements seek to bring about positive changes in the social order while not attempting to radically threaten the existing social hierarchy. An example of a reform movement would be a movement that called for better treatment of slaves rather than an end to slavery. Conservative movements seek to perpetuate the existing social order and to resist the influences which they view as threatening to the status quo. The work of pro-slavery preachers in the antebellum American South may be viewed as a conservative movement. Reactionary movements are radical and often violent expressions of opposition to changes taking place in a society, the Southern insurrectionist movement is an example of a reactionary movement. The Hip Hop movement among urban African Americans cannot be neatly fitted into any of these molds. Hip hop may be regarded as reactionary to the extent that it was a reaction to the destruction of the traditional African American social order by outside capitalist forces (Rose). Hip Hop can be regarded as revolutionary movement due to the often radical message of black empowerment that some of the song lyrics convey. Hip Hop can be regarded as a reform movement due to the fact the main exponents of the movement have neither the means and nor the serious inclinations for bringing about radical change. Hip Hop may be viewed as a conservative movement due to the fact that it seeks to perpetuate some social inequalities such as patriarchy (Rose). In short Hip Hop is merely a tool for the voiceless to voice their frustrations and concerns, its value as a cohesive movement to bring about any positive change in the African American community is doubtful. Gender Socialization Gender socialization is the progressive assimilation of a person into the society by adoption of behaviors which the society considers appropriate for his or her gender. The process of gender socialization is initiated at a young age and little girls and boys are taught to behave differently (Lorber). Often the means of gender socialization are quite subtle and may not even be realized by parents or guardians who oversee and enforce the process. A classical example of gender socialization is parents getting dolls for little girls and guns for little boys. This insidiously teaches little girls that their role in life is to be nurturers and to dress well and look nice while boys learn that resorting to violence is a socially appropriate behavior for them. Being male and female is thus an adopted societal role that is forced upon an individual by society and to be socially appropriate an individual must constantly â€Å"do gender† (Lorber). This process of â€Å"doing gender† is especially exhausting to those individuals who do not feel sufficiently male or female, do not strictly identify with any gender or identify with a different gender than the one considered appropriate for them by the society (Lucal). In â€Å"What It Means to be Gendered Me†, Betsy Lucal, a tall female with a male appearance faces many difficulties. She is challenged when trying to use the ladies toilet, service staff addresses her as ‘sir’ and she is suspected of fraud when attempting to use her credit card (Lucal). She finds that when she is with her brother, young women try to flirt with her, believing them to be two unattached young men, and when she is with her female friends, people tend to think of them as a heterosexual couples (Lucal).

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Harvard business review Essay

For each team, by submitting the document online, you claim that the document is original from your own idea. Each team must work on the assignments independently. All the materials submitted will be checked for plagiarism electronically. For more information, please refer to Should you have questions and concerns in regards to plagiarism, you should contact the course coordinator immediately. Content Tutorial III consists of two parts. The first part includes case discussion while the second part focuses on the feedback to the common mistakes in the intermediate exam. Requirements First, all the students are required to be present and participate in the discussion. Second, all the students are required to read the following two cases: Case Part A: Toyota—Under†the†Radar Recall Response on Page 346 of the textbook; Case – Quality Parts Company on Page 426 of the textbook. Each team is required to write a case note for these two cases. In the case note, you need to give answers to the questions proposed in the corresponding cases. The length of the case note is at most three A4 pages with font size 12 and 1.5 line space, excluding the figure of value stream mapping. For Case – Quality Parts Company, you are NOT required to answer Question 2 and 3. Instead, you need to draw a value stream map for the production process of Model Z based on the symbols which can be found in exhibit 12.3 on Page 409 in the text book. Suppose that customers order every month. After orders are realized, Quality Parts Company orders from suppliers every month. The company does weekly delivery. Inspection is immediately executed after assembly. Every week a production plan is generated which serves as a template for the daily planning activities performed by the production manager. How much value-added time and how much non-value-added time can be found in the production process? Note that you have to ï ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼1 use Microsoft Visio 2010 to draw the VSM. Otherwise, no mark is given. You can directly copy the diagram from Visio to Word. Presentation Team 7 of all the groups and Team 12 of IEM groups should present Toyota. Team 8 of all the groups and Team 13 of IEM groups should present Quality Parts. Team 9 of Group 2, 5, 7 should present Quality Parts. The teams present separately. Each presentation takes five minutes. Please use Microsoft Powerpoint to prepare your presentation and the number of slides is at most 5. Please copy your powerpoint file into a USB stick and bring it to the tutorial. To prepare the presentation for cases, you need to present the solutions to the questions proposed in the case description and give a convincing argument for your solutions. The performance of your presentation will be counted for class participation. Submission Your assignment will be graded only if it is submitted online in the fold of Assignment on Nestor by the deadline and a hard copy is passed to your tutorial teacher in class. The deadline is by 24:00 on October 15. Note that write down your names and student numbers at the first page of your document. For the case note, please name your file as groupnumber_teamnumber_case, such as g1_t1_case. Please print your file with a double†sided format. For your presentation file, you only need to give the hard copy of your slides to your tutorial teacher. Topic

Saturday, September 14, 2019

My aunt Gertrude is a rare gem.

My aunt Gertrude is a rare gem. She remains unmarried till this day, and has no desire to do so even though she is exiting the prime of her life in a few months’ time. I asked her once whether she ever contemplated being alone during her twilight years, without the comforting companionship of a husband or the dutiful doting by her children.She looked straight at me in a gaze that at once appeared as if she was reaching deep into the recesses of her being.She spoke in a barely audible whisper that she once had such a dream as I mentioned, but no longer. I was gripped with a curiosity that was tinged with a certain sadness, as I detected that within her voice and readily embraced it as my own in empathy and identification with this woman whom I love.She started tearing, and continued slowly the sad poetry that had haunted her for the past decade. When she was younger, just out of college, my aunt was engaged to a gentleman from Chicago, by the name of Mollier. He was a dealer in antiques, and had a thriving business by the time he became acquainted with my aunt Gertrude.They were a loving couple, always together, engaged in frequent intimate conversations and shared many common interests and tender moments. He was the man that my aunt was destined to marry, and to love and hold till eternity.Alas, one evening as he was making the trip home from California, he ran into a road accident and was tragically killed. My aunt did not receive the call from the coroners till a day later, after they had verified his identity and checked through their databases. Her life there and then was thrown into disarray.She left her newly-begun job, and hid in her parents’ home for the next five years. She had to learn how to live again. As she conveyed these to me, it was not her who sobbed and cried. It was me, one still young and too tender to know just what it meant and how she must have felt.She told me the pain that she carried within her heart, and how that very m oment she had died to her own ambitions, plans, and sensitivity.Her life as she knew it, was over. She had died with him. I learned from her that day what courage meant, and how with silent purpose and prayer, one can emerge from a forest of lost dreams and darkened hope still intact, at least in person. I also learned just how great love can really be, and what lovers go through each time their love disappears, even for a moment on an errand.Aunt Gertrude will never marry. She will live out the rest of her days as a spinster, having come so close to living her life with the man she truly loved and losing it all at once.She will still go about her days bustling about in a cheery manner, loving her nephews and nieces, tending to their moments of despair and immature concerns. She now lives outside herself; a woman constantly challenging herself to focus her love on others in order not to drown in the despair of her own unfulfilled love. She is a beacon of light and hope to us all in the family, and she is what makes us strong and secure.

Friday, September 13, 2019

A Scholarship Boy’s Longing

A Scholarship Boy’s Longing In his essay â€Å"The Achievement of Desire,† Richard Rodriguez acts as both a writer and reader in response to a book written by Richard Hoggart entitled The Uses of Literacy. Rodriguez discovers a parallel between his own life and the life of what Hoggart coins as a â€Å"scholarship boy.† A scholarship boy is defined as a child from a working-class family who feels as if he â€Å"cannot afford to admire his parents†¦so he concentrates on the benefits that education will bestow on him.† (566). For Rodriguez, the discovery and reading of the definition prompts him to gain the courage to realize and admit that his academic success is due to his early, emotional separation from both his family and his culture. Discovering Hoggart’s book was an epic moment in Rodriguez’s life. His nostalgic experience is expressed when he writes, â€Å"For the first time I realized that there were other students like me, and so I was able to frame the meaning of my academic success, its consequent price- the loss.† (564). Rodriguez’s academic success began when the â€Å"deepest love† he had for his parents turned into â€Å"embarrassment for their lack of education.† (566). Like Hoggart’s scholarship boy, he started isolating himself from them and transitioning his respect to his teachers. He realized that his parents had no room for societal growth, and if he chose to follow in their footsteps, he would be doomed to the same working-class life that they were marginalized into. Rodriguez’s embarrassment of his parents served as a catalyst to further his education. By idolizing his teachers, he realized that he was opening the doors to success. The only problem with opening the doors to success is that another door closes behind it. The intimate, family life in which Rodriguez found so much pleasure was left in a self-deprecating manner. He began to associate pleasure with inferiority. For a scholarship boy, it is â€Å"clear that education is a long, unglamorous, even demeaning process†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (578). Rodriguez would go to the library and check out the maximum number of books. Many of these books were recommendations from the teachers he admired so much or librarians who had gained a new fondness for him. This mirrors the words of Hoggart when he writes, â€Å"†¦The scholarship boy rarely discovers an author for himself and on his own.† (845). Every time Rodriguez did discover a book on his own and found it pleasurable, he disregarded it. There was no room for pleasure in his life. During grade school, Hoggart’s scholarship boys endure the constant feeling of harsh loneliness. The scholarship boy would always be the first to answer a teacher’s question to the annoyance of the other students. In his home life, the scholarship boy feels as if he does not identify with his family, so conversation is always kept to a minimum. The books that Rodriguez brought home are the epitome of Rodriguez’s imaginative, scholarship boy. They are books that disassociate himself from his family. This loneliness also proves true in Rodriguez’s student life. There seemed to be a barrier between Rodriguez and a normal, social life. Instead of healthily interacting with other people, he hid behind his books. When Rodriguez was a graduate student, he traveled to London to write a dissertation on English Renaissance literature. He found himself in a lonely community of other scholarship children whose â€Å"eyes turned away the moment [their] glances acciden tally met.† (579). The realization of such a life had a profound effect on Rodriguez. Nostalgia started setting in, and he was eager to remember the warmth he experienced as a child. Rodriguez blatantly states that he was the quintessential scholarship boy, but I believe that he has since then shed the label. A scholarship boy is defined by Hoggart as a child who tries to separate himself from his family because of the embarrassment of association. He is the â€Å"odd man out.† (848). However the tone used by Rodriguez in â€Å"The Achievement of Desire† is more nostalgic and melancholy than embarrassed. Rodriguez openly writes about his past, even though it had taken him over â€Å"twenty years to admit.† (564). Hoggart claims that once a scholarship boy has made the transition into a scholar, he will never feel a sense of belonging in his personal, private life. This is where the separation between Hoggart’s scholarship boy and Rodriguez truly begins. In the ending paragraphs of his essay, Rodriguez begins to identify with his parents. He notes that he â€Å"laughed just like his mother† and â€Å"his father’s eyes wer e much like his own.† (580). Although Rodriguez is most likely still the odd man out in his family, he does feel a sense of belonging despite the strained relationship. There is an interesting relationship between Rodriguez and Hoggart’s texts. The structure of Rodriguez’s essay is formatted similar to a reading analysis worksheet. Rodriguez borrows four block quotes from Hoggart’s The Uses of Literacy and comments on them, finding various parallels to his own life. An example of this can be seen when Hoggart writes, â€Å"The scholarship boy discovers a technique of apparent learning, of acquiring of facts rather than of the handling and use of facts. He learns how to receive a purely literate education, one using only a small part of the personality and challenging only a limited area of his being.† (577). Like Hoggart’s scholarship boy, Rodriguez admits he was a bad student. He relied on imitation to get him through the grammar school system. Rodriguez â€Å"used his teachers’ diction, trusting their every direction.† (566). He adopted what he was told to adopt rather than making decisions on his o wn. Rodriguez’s way of paralleling his life to the life of Hoggart’s scholarship boy seems like a very systematic way of writing, which is interesting, because it reflects Rodriguez’s methodical, educational upbringing. However, how Rodriguez uses the text to his advantage is proof that he is no longer a carbon copy of Hoggart’s scholarship boy. The text is broken up into four sections. The first section intertwines the words of Hoggart and Rodriguez describing Rodriguez’s claim on the term â€Å"scholarship boy.† Rodriguez blurs the lines between Hoggart and himself, which allows him to fully align himself with Hoggart’s definition of a scholarship boy. The passage from The Uses of Literacy within this section seems to flow a little too perfectly. It is seamlessly sewn together as if Hoggart’s words and Rodriguez’s personality are one and the same. The second section could have easily been ripped out of Rodriguez’s journal, because of its heavy use of personal events from the essayist’s life. The second section’s polar opposite is the third section, which seems very factual and based on Hoggart’s The Uses of Literacy. Many of the sentences begin with â€Å"The scholarship boy†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The second and third sections display some kind of internal battle withi n Rodriguez, but it comes together in the fourth section. Instead of reading Hoggart’s text like a chore and adding it to a list of accomplishments like Rodriguez did with Plato’s The Republic, he comprehends and uses it to aid his voice. He controls the last section with great authority. Rodriguez makes Hoggart’s words work for him and becomes both a close reader and a creator of a literate, personal, and admirable essay. He uses Hoggart’s words, but he does not mimic them like he once mimicked his teachers and critics. Being able to find his own voice as both a reader and reader, as well as becoming aware and accepting of the fact that it is okay to desire the past were key to separating Rodriguez from Hoggart’s prescriptive scholarship boy. Rodriguez even goes as far to describe Hoggart’s scholarship boy as â€Å"more accurate than fair.† (577). Although it is a seemingly an accurate description, of what a young, working-class child may go through in life, it is not every man’s description. The scholarship boy described by Hoggart in The Uses of Literacy seemed to have an ill fate of seclusion and loneliness, but Rodriguez seems to have created a different ending for himself by being able to go back home. The last section of â€Å"The Achievement of Desire† proves that the essay is solely Rodriguez’s. He may have inserted Hoggart’s quotes into his work, yet the essay is still his, because the clarity of his emotions and thoughts is pristine. Rodriguez, Richard. The Achievement of Desire. Ways of Reading. Comp. David Bartholomae and Anthony Petrosky. Boston and New York: Bedford/St. Martins, 2005. 561-584.